The Spaniard slowly shook his head and smiled. The expression gave to

his face a touch of the sinister. "No--but it is yet possible to forget,

Señor. I serve no King, I serve you. Sometimes a mistake is the truest

accuracy. Quien sabe?"

The Andalusian looked at the girl who stood puzzled and waiting.

"Sometimes in the Plaza de Toros, Señor," he went on, speaking rapidly

and tensely, "the throngs cry, 'Bravo, matador!' and toss coins into

the ring. Yet in a moment the same throngs may shout until their

throats are hoarse: 'Bravo, toro!' A King is like a bull in the ring,

Señor--he has a fickle fate. To me he is nothing--if it pleases

them--it is their King--let them do as they wish." He shrugged his


Benton straightened. "Manuel," he said with a strained tone, "the flag

comes down."

The Andalusian smiled regretfully, and once more shrugged his shoulders.

"As you say, Señor, but are you sure you wish it so?"

"Manuel, I mean that!" said the American with a steadied voice. "And for

God's sake, Manuel," he added wildly, "throw the rope over the gorge

when you have done it!"

For a moment Benton stood rigid, his hands clenched together at his back

as he watched the quick step of the Andalusian climbing to the

flag-staff. At last he turned dully and looked down where he could see

the royal cortége, not yet half-way along the road to the fortress, then

he went over to the girl's side.

"Cara," he said, "I have earned the right to kiss you good-by."

"It's yours without the earning, but good-by--!" She shuddered. "What

does it all mean?" she asked in bewilderment. "What was it you


"Listen," he commanded. "Tell Von Ritz or Karyl that Lapas is a traitor

and a prisoner in the observatory; that Louis is at his lodge and that

the Countess Astaride is a conspirator in a plot to assassinate the

King. Tell them that a percussion cap and key connect the magazines of

do Freres with the city."

The Princess looked at him with eyes that slowly widened in amazed

comprehension. "I understand," she whispered. "And the flag--see, it is

coming down--that means?"

He dropped on one knee and lifted her fingers to his lips. "It means

that you are to be crowned Queen in Galavia to-morrow," he answered with

a groan. "Long live the Queen!" Copyright 2016 - 2025