​ Detective Gilbert was with the officers who went into the barn. On her way out she stopped in her tracks and turned around. Something wasn't right with the picture. She yelled stop, turn around and tell me what is wrong with this picture. Even the commissioner didn't see anything wrong. Detective Gilbert informed them that she was raised on a farm. Everywhere was straw except in one place there was this year's fallen leaves of all different colors

​ She informed them the leaves was about two weeks old then she walked to the middle of the leaves. With her foot she started pushing the leaves aside. The commissioner motioned to two of his officers to help her. In no time the removal of the leaves revealed a trap door wired shut with fourteen guage bailing wire .An officer cut the bailing wire and opened the trap door revealing a nine by six foot pit. Detective Gilbert shinned her flashlight down in the hole. Laying there were two people. At first she thought those two people was dead. She saw a movement in one of their arms.

​ The commisioner called for emergy help. Detective McGill noticed a rope hanging and within a few minutes one of the detectives was down acessing the people. They were alive but just barely. In no time two ambulances and the fire department arrived to the scene A rope was thrown over a beam in the barn. A basket was lowered into the pit.

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