For the Springhill missing persons unit was a mundane day every day. There hadn't been a missing person' report that hadn't taken longer than a few hours before they was found. Most of them just wanted some time to themselves without their familes knowing their where abouts. The other officers would laugh at them and teased them that unit was the preschoolers and tell them to go take their naps like good little children

Eveytime a male detective was assigned to the unit stayed for no longer then a couple of weeks before they were assigned to a unit that dealt with bigger fish. In Dec3mber the police budget was cut by a substantial amount so the missing unit was cut form six detectives and three clerks to two detectives and one clerk. The senior detectives Ms. Allison McGill and Tiffany Gilbert and clerk Melissa Jones.

​ Not one case of a mising person had been reported for over a month so detective Gilbert and McGill picked up a couple of cold files that dealt with missing persons. They contacted relatives of the missing person to make sure that person was at home.The first missing person was Jasmine Hollisworth. There were no recent photos of her.She questioned Jasmine's friends and none of them had seen her since she came up missing. They decided to stick her picture up on their bulletin board. Copyright 2016 - 2025