I turned and ran for my horse as if I was once more being chased by a monster in the valley of the Holy Mountains. The mare had stayed where I had left her and that alone had to be an act of El Elyon, because I could clearly see the crazed looked in her eyes as she saw what was chasing after me.

I vaulted upwards into the saddle, my mind awash with the panicked need to get away. I urged the mare around with my knees and she lurched forward into a hard gallop.

I prayed I wasn't killing the young life held fast in my left arm from the hardness of the ride. How did one even hold a baby?

I looked behind and despaired. Lion Men chased after us on all fours with the speed of their feline counterparts.

Who had wrought such evil? Despite the fear and panic of the moment I felt extreme anger take hold over me. I turned forward and as I came abreast of the last wagon, which was burning, I thrust the reins of the horse between my teeth and, reaching out with my right hand, I tore free one of the wooden side struts that formed the support for the awning cover.

Half of the shaft of wood in my hand was ablaze with fire and leaning low over the side of the horse I touched it to the dry grass which took flame; but it wasn't going to be enough!

"El Elyon, I need help!"

A wind of unexpected force blasted past me and left me blinking in its wake. I heard the roar of flames crackle to life behind me like a gust of wind blowing through a narrow corridor. I glanced behind only to behold a wall of fire as wide as the horizon departing quickly behind me in the shape of an outward V.

There was no sign of my pursuers, but I did not slow the mare down. El Elyon had saved us. He'd answered my call for help just as Kuri had said that He would.

I looked down and met the silent stare of the baby in my arms. A little hand, stained with blood from the open gashes on my chest, rose to squeeze playfully at my lips. Despite everything I felt myself smiling. How was such innocence as this baby's stare possible after all I had just seen and experienced?

I turned from the baby's playful fingers at my lips to look up towards Shamayim. "Now what?" I asked.

Instead of an answer falling from the skies above I instead felt an indwelling voice say within me, "The way lies before you."

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