I sighed inwardly. My bask in the glow of a great victory was over and I was once again humbled. Why did the circumstances of my life have to move along so fast?

Why couldn't things proceed at a bit of a slower rate than they did?

Glancing at Kuri I felt a moment of guilt. It wasn't right to question his teaching methods and I was sorry for my thoughts. I trusted Kuri and yet why couldn't there just be a moment of rest now and then?


I glanced up, knowing that he already knew what I had been thinking. He spoke softly, "Come down to the ground." As Kuri spoke the bull he rode inclined its horned head lower and Kuri gracefully stepped down onto the desert sand.

I slid inelegantly down the side of my ride to tumble into the sand. Apparently I was as mentally tired as I felt physically in order to have misjudged how dismounting in such a fashion could've been a good idea.

Kuri helped me up as the two Tricans moved off. The big female stayed abreast of the bull, who was the herd sire. Her actions this day had just vaulted her, at an early age in the life of a Trican, into the dominant role of alpha female of the herd.

I was glad for her. It was nice to see her rewarded in some way for her gallantry today.

My eyes drifted to Kuri standing beside me. I'd reached my full height now and I could stare him right in the eye. There was a wealth of unsurpassed knowledge tempered with the warmth of a friend in the way that he looked at me. He made me feel special in a way that needed no words to express.

He spoke and I listened carefully, "Reward is coming Benaiah. But first, there is a war of the spirit to contend with that has spilled over into the lives of men. There are few willing to take up the sword and fight. I tell you now, Benaiah, that in the courts of Shamayim you are already known for your willingness to do what is right. One day you shall have great reward, but first comes the war of this life, for that is the will of El Elyon. The covenant enacted of old shall be completed and the separation of those who believe in that new covenant from life eternal will be abolished. The time is short, Benaiah. While there is yet time we labor. I know what I ask entails sacrifice, but it is the life of a servant of the Most High that you and I have embarked upon."

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