I slowly got up and went to the sink. I rinsed out my mouth with water and then looked in the mirror. My eyes were puffy from crying and mascara had run down my cheeks. I washed my face. I had to pull myself together, so I could help Keith. I had to be strong for him. Amy walked in.

"Sweetie," she said as she hugged me. "Look, I know that nothing I say or do is going to make things better but I'm here."

"That means a lot Ames," I said and returned the hug.

"He's going to be okay."

"How do you know?" I was confused. Did she know something I didn't?

"I just do. Just have faith, we're good at what we do, we'll find him and you two can go back to making out in the hallways and break room." She winked at me.

I laughed softly. "That was one time!"

She chuckled. I shook my head and started to walk out, but Amy grabbed my arm. She looked at me and I could see the sincerity in her eyes. "Seriously, it's all going to be okay."

Somehow, I believed her. Maybe it was her confidence and reassurance, but I think it was because if she believed it then I should too. She was my best friend after all, and was always there for me. "I'm just worried."

"I know. So am I."

We headed back to the floor. James ran up to us. "We tracked them through a subnet. We know the location."

"Where???" I asked.

"Twenty minutes outside of Washington at an old farmhouse. We're gathering Intel now and I'm sending a team out, Jeff's leading."

"I'm going."

James shook his head. "First of all, you're ill. Secondly, in the state you're in it's not a good idea."

I crossed my arms. "James, I'm fine. I can do this. I'm a good agent and I won't let my feelings get in the way of taking down the hostiles. I feel fine. Nothing you say will change my mind." I paused, regaining control. "Please, I can do this." I would do something about this, I finally had some control.

James sighed. "Go, and be careful."

I gave him a smile and headed to the locker room.

I changed quickly into jeans, a pink shirt and tennis shoes. I put on the flak jacket, holstered my gun and grabbed the radio and silencer. I slipped on my black leather jacket and ran out the door.

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