'No, for no such good reason,' said Guy; 'only because I am a great fool.'

'Well, Sir Guy, I am glad you can say one sensible word,' said Lady Eveleen.

'Too true, I assure you,' he answered, as he handed her in. 'Good night! You will keep the quadrille for me till I am rational.'

He handed the others in, and shut the door. Mrs. Edmonstone, ruffled out of her composure, exclaimed,-'Well, this is provoking!'

'Every one will be vexed,' said Laura.

'It will be so stupid,' said Amy.

'I give him up,' said Eveleen. 'I once had hopes of him.'

'If it was not for papa, I really would turn back this moment and fetch him,' cried Mrs. Edmonstone, starting forward. 'I'm sure it will give offence. I wish I had not consented.'

'He can't be made to see that his presence is of importance to any living creature,' said Laura.

'What is the reason of this whim?' said Eveleen.

'No, Eveleen, it is not whim,' said Laura; 'it is because he thinks dissipation makes him idle.'

'Then if he is idle I wonder what the rest of the world is!' said Eveleen. 'I am sure we all ought to stay at home too.'

'I think so,' said Amy. 'I know I shall feel all night as if I was wrong to be there.'

'I am angry,' said Mrs. Edmonstone; 'and yet I believe it is a great sacrifice.'

'Yes, mamma; after all our looking forward to it,' said Amy. 'Oh! yes,' and her voice lost its piteous tone, 'it is a real sacrifice.'

'If he was not a mere boy, I should say a lover's quarrel was at the bottom of it,' said Eveleen. 'Depend upon it, Laura, it is all your fault. You only danced once with him at our ball, and all this week you have played for us, as if it was on purpose to cut him.'

Laura was glad of the darkness, and her mother, who had a particular dislike to jokes of this sort, went on,--'If it were only ourselves I should not care, but there are so many who will fancy it caprice, or worse.'

'The only comfort is,' said Amy, 'that it is Charlie's gain.'

'I hope they will not talk,' said Mrs. Edmonstone. 'But Charlie will never hold his tongue. He will grow excited, and not sleep all night.'

Poor Mrs. Edmonstone! her trials did not end here, for when she replied to her husband's inquiry for Guy, Mr. Edmonstone said offence had already been taken at his absence from the dinner; he would not have had this happen for fifty pounds; she ought not to have suffered it; but it was all her nonsense about Charles, and as to not being late, she should have waited till midnight rather than not have brought him. In short, he said as much more than he meant, as a man in a pet is apt to say, and nevertheless Mrs. Edmonstone had to look as amiable and smiling as if nothing was the matter.

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