"Of course," she whispered.

"You either take what you want or become a victim to someone else who will. There's no turning back."

She gripped the handle of the axe more tightly, hands clammy. Her mate, her only love, was nothing more than bloody pulp. The towering, muscular man who held her until she fell asleep every night and made love to her as if she was the only woman he'd ever known was no more. There was nothing now but to claim his throne. She'd find another man to hold her; she always did.

"You do it, or you'll never be queen," her father said. "Only a member of the White God's family can kill him. Your marriage ceremony bound you to him. This is the only way you will ever be queen. Now, make your choice, daughter."

Claire squeezed her eyes close for a moment. She pushed the thoughts of Darian from her head, instead focusing on seeing herself seated in his throne. Opening her eyes, she raised the axe and let it fall, grimacing at the sounds of flesh splitting. She stumbled and looked down, surprised when she realized it was the ground shaking and not the dizziness she felt at hurting the man who'd truly loved her.

"Father!" she cried, knocked to the ground.

"What is this?" Isac shouted as he struggled to remain on his feet.

The rumbling of the earth ceased. She stood. Just as suddenly, the earth began to buck hard enough that trees creaked and smashed into the ground. It stopped again.

"Slay the White God, slay the balance."

Claire twisted to see who spoke and was struck by the tall, slender man who stepped from the shadows of the forest. His eyes and hair were black, his features noble. He walked like he was the White God, with confidence and command.

"It's a naughty thing you've done," he said, eyes taking her in from head to foot. "You've saved me some trouble, but you're too stupid to know what is to come. I need Darian alive, in case the plan to rule the mortal world doesn't quite work out for me."

"Isac, take his head," her father ordered. "We've got two bodies to bury."

Terror on his face, Isac stayed where he was. A moment later, he dropped the axe and ran. Claire stared after him then looked back at the stranger in black.

"The boy-god will need a body to burn," the stranger said, eyes lingering on her father.

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