He smiled and closed his eyes to Travel. He had some ideas to test about killing Others. When he figured out how to do it without also ending up dead, he'd figure out what had fallen between him and Jenn. First, the monitoring equipment.


Jenn waited until he'd been gone for a few minutes, her thoughts more insistent than she wanted. Interacting with Darian was too appealing. He was easy to talk to, despite knowing his history and his elevation to a god. He listened and watched-traits that made her wary. She pocketed the cell, grateful for his consideration. After her two weeks in the Black God's chaotic camp, she'd almost forgotten what it was like to be in an organization that took care of its own.

Jonny was gone on another daytrip. She was growing suspicious of his frequent journeys. Nothing seemed to come out of them. At least, nothing she could see. He kept no notes on his computer about the mysterious meetings. He'd taken Xander with him twice. He never said where he was going aside from to town.

Another thought pushed this one out. Before she talked herself out of it, she Traveled back to the Others' portal into the immortal world. She'd recognized the orchard she'd nearly fallen into. The last time she saw it, it was on fire.

Eyes on the ground, she retraced their steps until she found the circle she'd drawn. She stared at the ground in the center of the circle, emotions building within her. Normally, she was a master at hiding her feelings. These emotions had taken thousands of years to bury and were bubbling up again, too strong for her to ignore forever.

She snagged a few small rocks from the ground and approached the portal, knife in her other hand. Jenn held her breath and jumped.

She landed hard on the soft ground. The dry desert heat gave way to cool sea breeze, and a massive apple tree protected her from the sun overhead. Jenn rose warily, expecting the Others to pounce. No one was in the orchard but her.

She circled the tree, placing rocks around its trunk as she went. Halfway around, she dropped again, emerging back into the desert a few feet from the other portal. Jenn grabbed more rocks and returned to the immortal world. Placing the rocks on the ground near the return portal, she looked around.

If all was as it used to be, at one end of the orchard was the White God's palace, a place a woman raised as a peasant had never seen. At the other end, the imperial city. She marveled at the immortal world. The colors were more intense, brighter, the air filled with the perfume of flowers.

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