"I … got … one," he repeated. His head lolled back, and his eyes closed. Before he passed out, he released what sounded like a hoarse laugh.

"Crazy son of a bitch!"

Jenn looked up as a familiar vamp materialized in the kitchen. She recognized him as Charles, the vamp Damian had gotten in exchange for sending her to the Black God. His arm was bloodied and burned. He dropped to the ground beside them.

"What did this?"

At the sound of a new voice, Jenn pushed herself to her feet as Damian slammed the door to the kitchen open.

"He went after Others," Charles supplied.

"Bianca!" the White God bellowed into the hallway. He turned his attention to Jenn. "Help me carry him down the hallway."

Jenn obeyed and hefted Darian's shoulders as Damian took his ankles. They maneuvered Darian's body through the doorway and into the living room, where they deposited him on the couch.

Jenn's gaze lingered on the unconscious man's body. She admired his bravery but wished he had more sense.

"You okay?" Damian asked, glancing up at her.

"Yeah. I gotta go, before Jonny hunts me down," she said and turned away.

Damian caught her arm. "No, really, are you okay?"

"I'm alive. Less than two weeks 'til I can come home, ikir," Jenn said, looking away. While she'd been one of the original Guardians to escape the immortal world with Damian, she'd also been at the bottom of the totem pole, once the Guardians in the mortal world rallied around their White God. She'd never felt as comfortable around him as she did Dusty.

"If you need me to pull you out, I will."

"I'm good," she said with a forced smile. "Just take care of him."

"I'll let you know," Damian promised.

"Thanks." Jenn stepped away but felt the White God watching her. A small part of her suspected Damian knew what Xander knew.

She Traveled back to the panoramic window, where her nest of blankets wasn't the only thing waiting for her. Jonny whipped around mid-step as she materialized. He relaxed visibly.

"I didn't think you'd return," he said.

"I keep my word, too," she said. Jenn shrugged out of her backpack and yanked off her wet jacket.

"The Others are right here on my doorstep, Jenn, and I can't find them!" the Black God said in frustration. "What if they attacked tonight? We'd be defenseless."

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