Tears rose with the sharp, hot pain, and Jenn looked down. Her legs were crushed. She choked back a sob and wrapped her arms around Darian, pulling him as close as she could. The world crashed down around them. Jenn kissed Darian's forehead and breathed in his scent again.

I love you, Darian, she whispered in her mind and closed her eyes.

"Funny things about Oracles."

She opened her eyes.

"They're purposely vague. If I leave you, does she fuck me over?" Xander said calmly. He squatted beside her, unaffected by the destruction around him.

"She must have some kind of dirt on you," Jenn murmured.

"I wouldn't be here otherwise, Guardian."

Xander's red eyes went to the unconscious god. "Glad he finally stepped up to the plate."

"You knew this would happen?"

"I've been counting on it. I can't kill Others and Watchers. Makes my life on the mortal world much easier. Only the Guardians are in my way now."

The words should've scared her, but the world was growing hazy, the pain fading as darkness crept into her vision. The weight from her legs lifted suddenly, and fresh pain jarred her back into the imploding world.

Xander bent and hefted Darian over his shoulder. He held out a hand to Jenn. She shook her head, indicating her legs.

"I can't carry two," he said.

"Take Darian. Tell Sofi I traded my life for his. Your debt to her is done."

Xander didn't hesitate. He turned and left. Jenn watched him go until he was out of sight. She gripped the necklace around her neck then rubbed her eyes. With a grimace, she dragged herself next to a tree stump and leaned against it, exhausted. The pillar of light was moving closer, enveloping everything in its path. Trees flew overhead and the sparkling clouds drifted down from the sky. What the fire didn't incinerate, the electrified clouds would.

She was fading fast. She couldn't feel anything, let alone her legs. Another form appeared before her. She squinted to see it, unable to make out anything but glowing green eyes.

You did well, the Watcher said into her mind. Both of you. Jenn couldn't respond.

I can't carry you out of here. It would break too many rules. She closed her eyes, ready to die, when a different kind of warmth flowed through her. It was gentle. It pulled her from the darkness and mended her body. The Watcher's magic drifted out of her body.

Give my regards to the Grey God. Jenn opened her eyes, disoriented. No one was with her, but her legs were healed. She tested them and wobbled to her feet. Instinct took over, urging her towards the gateway. Jenn stumbled forward and then ran, jumping over fallen trees and ducking flying debris. Her body pulsed with the surge and retreat of magic. The fire wasn't far behind her, while the clouds had reached the tops of what trees were still standing. They burst into white flames.

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