She didn't let herself think. She ran hard, spotting Yully and Charles fighting back-to-back at the base of the obelisk. The beautiful Magician sparked with magic that rippled through her body and shot out through her knives as she deflected and attacked the guardsmen. Yully's hair blazed like a fire, her skin as pale as the obelisk. Something seemed off about Charles, but Jenn didn't have time to place what. She launched into the melee, fighting her way towards the two with brutal ferocity borne of emotion.

She couldn't get the image of Darian and Claire out of her head. Jenn closed her eyes, reveling in her freed senses and allowing her instincts to guide her. Sweat and tears ran down her face. She fought harder to keep the pain inside her from winning.

Suddenly, there were no more swords falling. Jenn opened her eyes. She slung her head back, filling her lungs with air. She was coated in blood, the metallic scent heightening her blood lust. A glance around revealed the carnage: twenty guardsmen.

"Ye possessed?"

Jenn snorted and swallowed hard. She faced the two. Yully appeared as uneasy as she sounded while Charles licked his lips at the blood around them.

"Not possessed," Jenn said. "What're we doing here?"

Charles let out a string of curses and dragged one of the guardsmen off the ground. Frustrated, he flung the body down again.

"Waiting for Darian," Yully hedged. "You don't look so good."

"I'm fine." Jenn gazed at the obelisk that rose into the sky. It radiated power, the seat of the White God's magic. She took a step towards it. Her hands grew clammy as she circled the wide base of the obelisk to see the names on the other side.

Damian, Sofia, Adrian. Darian, Jenn. She touched her name, leaving bloodied streaks on the white marble. Her hand went to her chest, where the necklace had been just moments before. She didn't know what to think.

Trust me. Trust was not something she did well. It made her heartbeat elevate, her body sweat. If given a choice between trusting him and walking away from him, she'd trust him. Dusty had been right; she was in far too deep to walk away this time. She'd never left her fate in the hands of another, and right now, it was. She closed her eyes, feeling sick.

"Jenn," Yully whispered from the edge of the obelisk.

Jenn glanced towards her. Yully was pale, her hair sizzling with magic. Her gaze was on something behind Jenn. Copyright 2016 - 2024