"Bianca!" The Black God reached them.

The Healer knelt beside Sofi. "I'm okay, Jonny!"

"I'm taking you out of here," Jonny said, snatching her arm and hauling her up.

"No, Jonny, Sofi's-"

"Where's Jenn?" Darian demanded, taking her other arm.

"She's with Xander. Jonny-"

"Alone?" Darian asked, his anger rising another notch at the thought of Jenn with the Original Vamp.

"Darian, Sofi's having her baby!" Bianca shouted.

"She what?"

Even Jonny hesitated, eyes going to the pale Oracle. Charles inched away, as if pregnancy was contagious, and Yully reached out to touch Sofi's forehead.

"You can't leave them alone," Yully said. "They'll find them again. They'll never let any of us go!"

Darian hesitated, stomach churning at the thought of what he'd come to do.

"Finish what you started, Darian!" Jonny ordered.

"Take them somewhere safe," Darian replied. He released Bianca. She looked to her brother uncertainly.

Darian saw the hard look on Jonny's face as the Black God bent down to pick up the Oracle. Bianca rested her hand on her brother's arm. With her other hand, she handed Yully a knife.

Purple lightning lit up the space around them. Jonny, Sofi, and Bianca disappeared. Darian held out his hand to Yully. Armed and dressed for a fight, the redhead looked determined, if scared.

"I hate my life," Charles muttered. He planted his hand on the woman's shoulder.

Darian Traveled to the portal then leapt through it, pulling them with him. The minute his feet touched the ground of the immortal world, he heard shouts. The air trembled with magic. He Traveled again. When he opened his eyes, the three of them stood in the middle of the city. It was quiet.

Yully moved away from him, holding out her arms as she drained the surrounding area of magic.

"Not too much yet," Darian warned. "You don't want to blow up before I need you."

He surveyed the area around them, sensing Jenn without seeing her.

Jenn. He didn't expect a reply and started forward, trailed closely by Yully. He entered Jenn's mind, aware she couldn't talk to him with the cuff otherwise.

Stay away, Jenn replied. I got this. Irritated at his mate's rebuff, he whispered, "Where are you?"

She didn't answer, but Darian could feel her distress. He apologized to her silently before he pushed deeper into her thoughts. Jenn resisted him, and he pried harder. Without her magic, her defenses were too limited to stop him. When he could see what she saw, Darian stopped in place.

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