"Not so bad, is it?" Sofi said.

Jenn shook her thoughts away, her heart hammering with both anticipation of seeing him again and fear. Her hand was clenched around the necklace.

"I think hell is a good word for it," she said.

"At first, maybe," Bianca added. "It's worth it, though."

"Everyone in this fucking room can read minds but me," Jenn said with a snort.

"We're sisters now. Get used to it." The firm words came from the Healer, not the Oracle, who smiled in agreement.

"I guess we are," Jenn agreed uncertainly.

After thousands of years alone, she inherited a mate and a family over the course of a single night. Her gaze lingered on the two women. Despite being polar opposites, they were both honorable to the core and two of the most powerful Naturals ever discovered. Yully, the third woman who would become her sister, was just as unique with a heart equal to that of any of the women.

She didn't expect her life to change quite so fast or to be accepted into the White God's family with such ease. Of course, none of that mattered if she couldn't get them out of there.

"They should be back around soon," Bianca said.

"Do they come in?"

"They've just opened the door. They don't come in."

"Door opens out," Jenn said. "This will work. Stay back, unless I get my ass kicked. Dusty will kill me if anything happens to you."

Bianca retreated to the far wall where Sofi stood. Jenn paced and stretched, edgy. She had one knife on her, plus Bianca's. It'd have to be enough; there was no back-up this time. Her fingers swept over the cuff, and anger swirled through her again. Jonny or Xander. The two people she wanted to see least of all. She'd have to approach one of them eventually if she ever wanted her powers back.

She grew impatient waiting for the guardsmen to return. At long last, she heard the sound of boot soles against stone as people walked down the hall.

"That's more than two, Bianca," she said, listening. "Sounds like four. Ikira, I think it's time for you break the rules. No one's playing fair anymore."

Sofi's gaze swirled. "Bianca, stand in that corner. The third one's gonna kill Jenn. Blast her when she falls." The Oracle strode forward, hand held out.

Jenn took Sofi's hand and staggered at the vision the Oracle implanted. Sofi released her. Jenn's closed her eyes, running through the motions in her head that Sofi directed her to take.

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