"You're terrified," he supplied. "Want to play a game?"

"What kind of game?"

"I ask you a question, you answer with the honest truth. You ask me one, I do the same," he explained. "Absolutely nothing off limits."

Jenn shifted, studying him. She wasn't sure what to do if she couldn't manipulate her way out of something. Yet, she wasn't sure she wanted to get out of anything. Her emotions were twisted when it came to the Grey God. She admired him as she had no other.

Darian was too intense to appear relaxed, but he was waiting with a predator's patience to see what she'd do. He'd thrown down the gauntlet. If she accepted, there was no going back, and she suspected Darian had already stacked the deck to win, whatever win meant to a wild man like him. Her heart quickened again, and her palms grew sweaty from what she knew was fear. She'd never let fear stand between her and a mission. She couldn't let it stop her now, though this kind of fear was far different than that of losing her life or failure on a mission.

"Fine," she said softly.

"I knew you wouldn't back down," he said with a smile that confirmed her instinct. "You ask first."

"The worlds issue," she said without hesitation.

"It may be true." His words were slow, thoughtful. "If I can't disrupt the war between Others and Watchers, it's an option. I didn't think it inevitable, though. They're telling me I can't close the gates. I'd only need to close one to control their entrance into this world. I can't camp outside both gateways, but I could one. I'm going to try it."

"And if you can't? What then?"

"My turn."

She leaned back, unwilling to let her impatience show.


Jenn's whole body went rigid. She resisted the urge to reach for a knife, knowing this was a test without knowing what answer it was Darian wanted.

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