Victor's gaze rested on his boots.

"He doesn't approve, then?" The governor drummed with his fingers. "I

thought as much. At your age I was young myself. Youth sees affronts

where it ought to see caution and circumspection."

"When I have arrived at your Excellency's age . . ."

"No sarcasm, if you please. You are still under arrest."

Victor bowed, and twirled his hat, which was sadly in need of a new


"I warn you, if De Leviston dies I shall hang you high from one of the

Chevalier's gibbets on Orléans. If he lives, I shall keep in touch

with your future conduct, Monsieur; so take good care of yourself."

"De Leviston will not die. Such men as he do not die honestly in bed.

But he was only a puppet in this instance."

"A puppet? Explain."

"There was another who prompted him from behind."

"Who?" sharply.

"I am afraid that at present I can not name him."

"D'Hérouville? Be careful, Monsieur; this is a grave accusation you

are making. You will be forced to prove it." The governor looked

worried; for to him the Comte d'Hérouville was a great noble.

"I did not name him. There was a woman behind all this; a woman who is

the innocent cause."

"Ha! a woman?" The governor leaned forward on his elbows.



"Mademoiselle de Longueville. D'Hérouville insulted her and the

Chevalier took up her cause."

"Why, then, did you not pick your quarrel with the count?"

"The vicomte had some prior claim."

The governor got up and walked about, biting his mustache. Victor eyed

him with some anxiety.

"But the Chevalier; why did he not defend himself?"

Victor breathed impatiently. "Frankly, Monsieur, how can he defend


"True." The governor scrubbed his beard. He was in a quandary and

knew not which way to move. Tardy decision was the stumbling-block in

the path of this well meaning man. Problems irritated him; and in his

secret heart he wished he had never seen the Chevalier, D'Hérouville,

the poet, or the vicomte, since they upset his quiet. He had enough to

do with public affairs without having private ones thrust gratuitously

upon his care. "Well, well," he said, reseating himself; "you know my

wishes. Nothing but publicity will come of duels and brawls, and

publicity is the last thing the Chevalier is seeking. I feel genuinely

sorry for him. The stain on his name does not prevent him from being a

brave man and a gentleman. Control yourself, Monsieur de Saumaise, and

the day will come when you will thank me for the advice. As you have

no incentive for running away, I will put you on your word, and the

vicomte also. You may go. While I admire the spirit which led you to

take up the Chevalier's cause, I deplore it. Who, then, will succeed

Monsieur le Marquis?" Copyright 2016 - 2025