As the hunt for the fugitives had continued all day, everyone, police,

villagers and soldiers, were weary and disheartened. Consequently, when

the three men met near the Fort, there seemed to be few people about.

This was just as well, as they would have been followed to the jetty,

and obviously it was best to keep the strange meeting with Captain

Hervey as secret as possible. However, Don Pedro had taken Inspector

Date into his confidence, as it was impossible to get past the cottage

of the late Mrs. Jasher, in which the officer had taken up his quarters,

without being discovered. Date was quite willing that the trio should

go, but stipulated that he should come also. He had heard all about

Captain Hervey in connection with the mummy, and thought that he would

like to ask that sailor a few leading questions.

"And if I see fit I shall detain him until the inquest is over," said

Date, which was mere bluff, as the inspector had no warrant to stop The

Firefly or arrest her skipper.

The three men therefore were joined by Date, when they came along the

cinder path abreast of the cottage, and the quartette proceeded further

immediately, walking amongst the bents and grasses to the rude old

wooden jetty, near which Hervey intended to stop his ship. The night was

quite clear of fog, strange to say, considering the late sea-mist; but

a strong wind had been blowing all day and the fog-wreaths were entirely

dispersed. A full moon rode amongst a galaxy of stars, which twinkled

like diamonds. The air was frosty, and their feet scrunched the earth

and grasses and coarse herbage under foot, as they made rapidly for the


When they reached the top they could see the jetty clearly almost below

their feet, and in the distance the glittering lights of Pierside. Vague

forms of vessels at anchor loomed on the water, and there was a stream

of light where the moon made a pathway of silver. After a casual glance

the three men proceeded down the slope to the jetty. Three of them at

least had revolvers, since Hervey was an ill man to tackle; but probably

Date, who was too dense to consider consequences, was unarmed. Neither

did Don Pedro think it necessary to tell the officer that he and his two

companions were prepared to shoot if necessary. Inspector Date, being a

prosy Englishman, would not have understood such lawless doings in his

own sober, law-abiding country.

When they reached the jetty Don Pedro glanced at his watch, illuminating

the dial by puffing his cigar to a ruddy glow. It was just after eight

o'clock, and even as he looked an exclamation from Date made him raise

his head. The inspector was pointing out-stream to a large vessel which

had steamed inshore as far as was safe. Probably Hervey was watching

for them through a night-glass, for a blue light suddenly flared on the

bridge. Don Pedro, according to his promise, fired a pistol, and it was

then that Date learned that his companions were armed. Copyright 2016 - 2025