“You’re not tired,” she said, sighing as she pulled her hand away from his.

He shrugged, taking her hand back. “We’ll take a nap, watch a movie, have dinner and maybe I’ll run out to get us a few new books later,” he said with that charming smile that she loved, but was adding to her frustration.

“Look,” she said, licking her lips, “I really appreciate you staying with me for the last couple of days, but you don’t have to stay here. We’re in Florida with your family and you haven’t spent any time with them, because you’ve been stuck babysitting me.”

“It’s not babysitting,” he said with a reassuring smile that she wasn’t buying….not at all.

Her eyes narrowed on him, studying that charming smile, the lazy way that he played with her fingers and what she saw had her pulling her hand free. With a glare, she did what needed to be done.

Chapter 35

“Stop pushing me, you evil little munchkin!”

Taking a sip of her soda, she simply shoved him and kept walking. He threw her a murderous glare over his shoulder, but he smartly kept that incredibly fine ass of his going. Shaking her head in disgust, she took another sip of her soda as she watched the pouter walk towards the ticket booths where his brothers were waiting for them.

She still couldn’t believe that he’d used her to get out of spending time with his family. It was shameful, she thought eying an Eeyore stuffed animal that she decided the big baby in front of her was going to buy her for playing this little game with her.

“You shouldn’t be out of bed,” he threw over his shoulder, obviously trying one last pathetic attempt to get out of this. Her ass hurt with every step she took, but it wasn’t anything that she couldn’t handle.

“Keep walking,” she said, making note of where that cart selling the Eeyore doll was for later.


“Little demon!” Lucifer snarled reaching for the stuffed Eeyore only to get his hand slapped away.

“It’s mine,” Tinkerbelle snarled back, hugging the Eeyore that she’d made Danny buy her a few minutes ago when she’d discovered that it was the only one left in that size in the entire park.

“I hope you get trampled by dwarves,” Lucifer bit out with a glare aimed at Tinkerbelle as he shook his hand off.

“Lucifer Bradford!” his mother gasped, looking absolutely stunned as she came to a stop beside them.

“She started it,” Lucifer muttered, sending the stuffed Eeyore in Jodi’s arms another glare as he folded his arms over his chest and walked off to glare at her from a distance.

“Keep walking, mama’s boy,” Jodi said, making a pathetic attempt at trash talk with a taunting smile only to let out a little squeal of surprise when Lucifer suddenly came back, forcing her to jump behind Danny and hide.

“Mama’s boy?” Lucifer snarled, trying to reach around him to grab her.

Sighing, because this was just getting sadder and sadder by the minute, Danny reached behind him, grabbed Jodi by the arm and gently pulled her in front of him where he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close as he glared over her head in warning. Lucifer grumbled something about little bullies as he walked off with a pout.

“Where would you kids like to start?” their mother asked, adjusting the Mouse ears she’d made his father buy her.

“It doesn’t matter to me,” he said, while the rest of his siblings started debating where they should start, kissing the top of Jodi’s head as he noted the exact moment that his mother realized that he wasn’t going to be able to go on ninety percent of the rides.

“Oh, Danny,” she said, looking absolutely heartbroken. “I’m so sorry. I wasn’t thinking when I-”

“It’s fine, mom,” he said with a wink, pressing another kiss against the top of Jodi’s head as he pretended that he didn’t see the look that passed between his brothers and sister or the fact that his father looked like he wanted to put his fist through a wall.

“No, no it’s not,” his mother murmured as she gave him that look that he’d grown to hate soon after he’d come out of his coma. She reached up and rubbed her temples, with a little shake of her head she said, “I should have planned this better.”

He chuckled as he dropped his arms away from Jodi and took her small hand in his. “Stop worrying about it.”

“We can go somewhere else,” Duncan said with that same damn smile that was going to get him punched.

“We’re fine,” he said more firmly as he gestured to the guide map in his mother’s hand. “Where do you want to go first?”

She opened her mouth to say something, but his father cut her off before she got the chance. “Why don’t we start with Splash Mountain?”


“I’m not sharing a room with that bastard!” Garrett snarled, getting into Duncan’s face.

“Stop your bitching!” Dr. Bradford snapped, shoving a keycard in his son’s hands and gesturing towards the elevator where she stood, watching the show with morbid fascination as she waited for the elevator.

“Behave yourselves!” Mrs. Bradford said, hushing her boys with a look that left her sons looking appropriately chastised.

“Why don’t we go grab something to eat?” Danny suggested, leaning down and giving her another one of those chaste kisses that had her biting back a frustrated sigh.

“Sure,” she said absently as she glanced around the hotel foyer. “How exactly did they get kicked out of their hotel?”

“Room service,” he said with a shrug as he took her hand in his and led her towards the entrance.

“Room service?” she asked, frowning as she allowed him to lead her to double sliding glass doors.

“Probably for the best if we don’t mention it. Mom’s still pretty pissed that they broke the rules.”


“It’s probably for the best if we don’t talk about that either,” he said, smiling down at her as she raced to wrap her mind around what he was saying. They had rules about room service?

“Where are you going?” Aidan asked, pushing away from the wall to join them as they walked past him.

“To grab food,” Danny said, not slowing his pace as they walked outside and forced his brother to jog to catch up with them.

“Great! I’m starving,” Aidan said, grinning hugely as he joined them.

“You’re not invited,” Danny said, not missing a beat. “So fuck off.”

“Where are we going? Pizza? Buffet? Burgers? Italian?” Aidan asked, ignoring Danny’s homicidal glare as he continued walking alongside them.

“What’s going on?” Reese asked, tapping his twin on the shoulder and gesturing towards them.

“We’re grabbing a late dinner,” Aidan answered before Danny had a chance, and judging by his glare, he desperately wanted to say something.

“I’m starving,” Duncan said from behind them, sounding relieved as he joined them. “What are we having?”

“I could go for Chinese,” she said, trying not to laugh at the look on Danny’s face when the rest of his brothers and his sister joined them.

“Great!” Garret said, as he joined them on the sidewalk. “There’s a buffet right down the street.”

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