“That’s it, baby,” he rasped, against her slit as he slowly shifted his hips, sliding in and out of her mouth and hand.

Gasping, she tightened her grip around him and-

“Hey, roomie, I-Oh, shit!” the startled shout echoed throughout the small room just as a startled squeak tore from her lips and she found herself being rolled off the bed and hitting the carpeted floor with a grunt and a groan.

Reaching up blindly, she grabbed hold of the blanket, yanked it down and buried herself beneath it, praying that the men shouting at each other forgot that she was here as she lay there, dying of mortification.

Chapter 29

“Are you out of your fucking mind?”

“Probably,” Darrin admitted easily, keeping his back to the room as Danny grabbed the sheet off the bed and wrapped it around his waist.

“What the hell are you doing here?” he asked, even though he had a sneaking suspicion that his mother was somehow involved.

“The hotel that we were supposed to stay at was overbooked so we came here,” his brother explained with a sigh before he added, “I didn’t mean to, umm,” he cleared his throat, “interrupt.”

“Who’s ‘we’?” he asked, glancing around the bed to find his little Tinkerbelle curled up in the fetal position, cowering beneath a blanket. He considered telling her that it was okay to get up, but reconsidered it and decided to leave her there for the time being.

“Marybeth and me,” Darrin said, raking his hands through his hair.

“Then why are you in my room?” he snapped, praying for his brother’s sake that he had a damn good reason for barging in on them.

His brother shook his head. “I fucked up and she isn’t talking to me right now.”

“I see,” he murmured, glancing back at the bed where Tinkerbelle had been seconds away from screaming his name.

“Anyway, I was hoping that you wouldn’t mind switching with me. I figured the girls could share a room and I could bunk here with you,” Darrin said, sounding hopeful.

“She’s been pissed at you before,” Danny pointed out.

Darrin chuckled without humor as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Never like this.”

“I see,” he murmured thoughtfully as he looked from his brother to the woman curled up on the floor, trying to hide.

Sharing a bed with his brother or with the woman that he planned on doing a hundred different naughty things to during this trip………

“Yeah, that’s just not going to happen,” he said with a shake of his head as he reached out and grabbed his brother by the back of the neck.

“Wait!” Darrin said, trying to reach back and slap his hand away, but Danny just ignored him as he steered his brother towards the door. “I’m your brother, you asshole!”

“Uh huh, that’s nice,” he said, reaching over and opening the door. He swung the door open and shoved his brother out of the room.

“Where the hell am I supposed to go?” Darrin demanded with a murderous glare.

“Go beg for forgiveness,” Danny suggested with a shrug, not really caring enough to get involved in his brother’s weird ass relationship.

“I already did!” Darrin snapped. “The stubborn woman won’t listen to reason and-”

“Yeah, you have fun with that,” he said, cutting his brother off. “I’m going to go spend the night with my incredibly hot girlfriend.”


He closed the door on his brother’s face and threw the lock with a satisfied sigh that ended on a groan when he turned around to find Tinkerbelle stumbling around the room, yanking on her clothes.

“What are you doing?” he asked after a minute of watching her wrestle with her pants.

“Getting dressed,” she said with a grunt as she yanked her socks on.

“I can see that,” he murmured. “Why exactly are you getting dressed?”

“Because I’m going home,” she said, roughly pulling on her shirt.

“I see……”

“I’m sorry to have to do this, but we’re gonna have to break up,” she said, sighing heavily as she grabbed her bag and with a groan, picked it up and placed it on the edge of the bed.

“Why exactly are we breaking up?” he asked with a frown as he folded his arms over his chest and leaned back to watch as Jodi continued to stumble around the room, grabbing her stuff and shoving it in her bag.

The glare she sent him was just so damn cute, he decided, biting back a smile that would probably get his balls kicked in. “Because he saw us!”


“Yes!” she hissed, dropping to her knees to crawl on the floor, frantically looking under the bed and coffee table.

“He didn’t see much,” he said with a shrug.

She stopped mid-search to shoot him a homicidal glare. “He saw plenty!”

“He won’t say anything,” he said, knowing his brother well enough to know that he would have absolutely no problem keeping his mouth shut. The men in his family might be assholes, but they were assholes that didn’t believe in humiliating women.

“It doesn’t matter!” she snarled, returning to her search.

“Why is that?” he asked, tilting his head to the side to get a better view of that beautiful ass that he loved so much as it swayed back and forth with her efforts to reach something beneath the bed.

“Because it doesn’t!”

“I see……,” he mumbled absently as he reached down and dropped the sheet to the floor and grabbed his boxers. “Would it make you feel better if I beat the shit out of him?”

She stopped mid-search and her shoulders slumped with relief as she said, “Yes, yes it would.”


“You do realize that there was a buffet right next to the hotel, right?” she asked as he pulled open the door to the restaurant for her.

“We’ll hit that the day before we leave,” he said, holding the door for her as she walked inside.

“Why exactly are we doing that?” she asked, waiting for him by the door.

“Because I have a strategy,” he announced as he took her hand into his and walked with her down the corridor.

“You have a strategy for buffets?” she asked, sure, hell, hoping, that she’d misheard him.


“I see,” she murmured, suddenly having a bad feeling about this. “Maybe we should-”

“That bastard!” Danny bit out as they turned down the small hallway and spotted Darrin standing in line.

“I think I saw a pizza place down the street,” she said, tugging on his hand almost desperately to get him to stop.

She really didn’t feel like facing his brother after he’d caught her with her mouth on-

“I was here first,” Darrin said with a glare that was thankfully aimed at his brother, because at the moment she really wasn’t sure that she could make eye contact with him or handle him acknowledging her in any way.

“Too bad,” Danny said, ignoring her attempts to escape and pulling her in line right behind Darrin.

“You know the rules.”

“Yes, I do, but since you haven’t even paid yet this buffet is still up for grabs,” Danny said, getting in his brother’s face.

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