Go back into her apartment and risk running into the man that she was trying to avoid. She stood there for another minute contemplating her choices until finally with a shrug, she turned around and started walking towards the backdoor again, deciding that a vigorous five mile walk in ninety degree weather in high heels was the better option.

She opened the backdoor and walked outside, carefully closing the door behind her. Ignoring the oppressive heat, she walked around the house and headed for the driveway where Danny Bradford, the sneakiest bastard to ever walk the face of the planet, was leaning back against his truck, holding her purse and lunch bag.

“Forget something?” he asked with a lopsided smile as he pushed away from his truck.

“I, umm….,” she mumbled pathetically, trying to come up with an excuse for why she was trying to sneak off without a word, but sadly, she couldn’t come up with a single one.

“Jump in. We’ll grab breakfast on the way,” he said, walking around his truck and opened the passenger door for her.

Accepting the fact that she wasn’t going to be able to come up with an excuse for why she’d rather walk the file miles to work than face him, she forced a small smile, murmured, “Thank you,” and accepted his help and climbed in.

Needing something to do, she took her time buckling in as Danny quickly made his way around the truck in climbed in. “Donuts or an egg sandwich?”

“Donuts sound great,” she said, trying not to squirm in her seat as she thought about everything that they’d done last night.

“Donuts it is then,” he said with a nod, looking amused as he started the truck and pulled out of the driveway.

As he drove towards the center of town, she sat there praying that he wouldn’t bring up last night or her escape attempt this morning. Ten minutes later as they were pulling into the old library’s parking lot that resembled a war zone these days, she decided that someone upstairs really liked her, because he hadn’t said a single word to her.

She was so relieved that she didn’t notice that he’d chosen a parking spot in the back of the lot, behind the dumpsters piled high with concrete and debris until it was too late.

“Why are we parked back here?” she asked with a frown.

Danny sighed as he reached between them and picked up the box of donuts. He placed the box on the dashboard. “I wanted to eat in peace,” he explained as he opened the box and picked up a jelly donut.

She didn’t have to look to know that it was a jelly donut since he’d ordered a dozen of them this morning. She hadn’t said anything at the time, because she was too busy trying avoid talking and figured that he just had a craving, but now-

“Sorry,” he said, as a glob of jelly escaped and landed on her bare knee.

“It’s fine,” she said, giving her head a little shake, thankful that it hadn’t landed on her skirt.

“Here, let me clean that,” he said, just as she reached for the pile of napkins when she felt it.

His mouth on her knee.

He gently sucked the jelly off her leg and followed it up with his tongue. Taking his time licking her knee clean as she sat there, a bit stunned and not really sure what to do.

“What are you doing?” she finally managed to ask.

“Cleaning up my mess,” he said with one last lick before he leaned back and-

Squeezed more jelly on her knee.

“You may want to pull your skirt up,” he warned as he leaned back down to swipe his tongue through his newest mess as he reached down and pulled her shoes off.

It took her a minute to register his words and when it finally hit her, she couldn’t grab the hem of her skirt fast enough. She yanked it up, deciding that she’d rather deal with wrinkles than jelly stains, but apparently she hadn’t moved it up high enough.

“Higher,” Danny said softly as he made more jelly hit her leg, this time on her thigh.

He dragged his tongue up her leg, sucking the jelly off her leg as he reached up with his free hand and pushed her skirt up higher until she took the hint and pulled her skirt up until it was shoved up around her waist and she was reclining back against the passenger door. She wasn’t exactly sure how she’d ended up in this position, but Danny seemed happy with the results as he continued to make a path of jelly up her leg.

“What exactly are you doing?” she asked, swallowing nervously as she glanced around the parking lot, relieved to discover that they were still alone.

“Open your shirt,” he said, instead of answering her.

“What?” she asked, a little breathless while she watched as he continued licking his way higher up her leg.

“I’d do it, but I don’t think that you’d want to have to explain why your shirt is covered in jelly,” he explained calmly as he traced a circle on her inner thigh with his tongue.

Her hands trembled as she reached up and quickly worked at the buttons on her blouse, telling herself that she was doing this to protect her white blouse.

“Spread your legs for me, Tinkerbelle,” he said, between flicks of his tongue across her thigh.

Licking her lips, and stretching up one more time to make sure that the coast was clear, she did just that. When he reached up with his clean hand and flicked open the front clasp of her bra and moved the cups aside to expose her breasts, she moaned in anticipation. She’d never done anything like this, never dreamed that she’d be doing this one day and couldn’t believe that she was doing this now.

“You taste so sweet, Tinkerbelle,” he growled against her skin as he ran his hand over her left breast and gently squeezed. “But, I bet I can find something sweeter to lick.”


“Oh, God……..,” he heard her moan as he squeezed the last drop of jelly out of the donut and licked it off the soft skin bordering her panties.

Once he licked the last drop of jelly off her skin, he tossed the donut aside and cupped her other breast with his hand, spreading the jelly over her hard nipple and breast. He gave her thigh one last lick before he pushed up and shifted so that he could take her nipple between his lips and lick it clean.

“Danny! Oh, God, Danny!” she cried as she wrapped her arms around him and shifted desperately beneath him.

As he moved his attention to her breast and worked on licking every last drop of jelly off her breast, he reached down and hooked his fingers in her panties and pulled them off. He moved to the side and sat back on the bench as he pulled them free and tossed them aside. Groaning, he took her nipple back in his mouth as he reached down and undid his fly.

“Come here and show me just how wet you are,” he said as he released her nipple and sat back against the bench as he pulled his cock out with one hand and with the other, gave her hand a gentle tug that had her moving.

She grabbed onto his shoulders and leaned in, taking his mouth in a hungry kiss as she followed him until she was settled on his lap and her pussy was pressed down on him, thoroughly soaking him.

“No sex?” she doubled-checked as she pressed down harder until the underside of his hard length pushed past her lips and was pressing against her core.

“No sex,” he forced himself to say when all he wanted to do was to shift her so that he could ram his cock inside her and fuck her until she squeezed him dry.

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