I took this opportunity to satisfy my curiosity, pretending that I had

been robbed in the Dunstable coach, and that I would go to see the two

highwaymen. But when I came into the press-yard, I so disguised

myself, and muffled my face up so, that he could see little of me, and

consequently knew nothing of who I was; and when I came back, I said

publicly that I knew them very well.

Immediately it was rumoured all over the prison that Moll Flanders

would turn evidence against one of the highwaymen, and that I was to

come off by it from the sentence of transportation.

They heard of it, and immediately my husband desired to see this Mrs.

Flanders that knew him so well, and was to be an evidence against him;

and accordingly I had leave given to go to him. I dressed myself up as

well as the best clothes that I suffered myself ever to appear in there

would allow me, and went to the press-yard, but had for some time a

hood over my face. He said little to me at first, but asked me if I

knew him. I told him, Yes, very well; but as I concealed my face, so I

counterfeited my voice, that he had not the least guess at who I was.

He asked me where I had seen him. I told him between Dunstable and

Brickhill; but turning to the keeper that stood by, I asked if I might

not be admitted to talk with him alone. He said Yes, yes, as much as I

pleased, and so very civilly withdrew.

As soon as he was gone, I had shut the door, I threw off my hood, and

bursting out into tears, 'My dear,' says I, 'do you not know me?' He

turned pale, and stood speechless, like one thunderstruck, and, not

able to conquer the surprise, said no more but this, 'Let me sit down';

and sitting down by a table, he laid his elbow upon the table, and

leaning his head on his hand, fixed his eyes on the ground as one

stupid. I cried so vehemently, on the other hand, that it was a good

while ere I could speak any more; but after I had given some vent to my

passion by tears, I repeated the same words, 'My dear, do you not know

me?' At which he answered, Yes, and said no more a good while.

After some time continuing in the surprise, as above, he cast up his

eyes towards me and said, 'How could you be so cruel?' I did not

readily understand what he meant; and I answered, 'How can you call me

cruel? What have I been cruel to you in?' 'To come to me,' says he,

'in such a place as this, is it not to insult me? I have not robbed

you, at least not on the highway.' I perceived by this that he knew nothing of the miserable circumstances

I was in, and thought that, having got some intelligence of his being

there, I had come to upbraid him with his leaving me. But I had too

much to say to him to be affronted, and told him in few words, that I

was far from coming to insult him, but at best I came to condole

mutually; that he would be easily satisfied that I had no such view,

when I should tell him that my condition was worse than his, and that

many ways. He looked a little concerned at the general expression of

my condition being worse than his, but, with a kind smile, looked a

little wildly, and said, 'How can that be? When you see me fettered,

and in Newgate, and two of my companions executed already, can you can

your condition is worse than mine?' 'Come, my dear,' says I, 'we have a long piece of work to do, if I

should be to relate, or you to hear, my unfortunate history; but if you

are disposed to hear it, you will soon conclude with me that my

condition is worse than yours.' 'How is that possible,' says he again,

'when I expect to be cast for my life the very next sessions?' 'Yes,

says I, ''tis very possible, when I shall tell you that I have been

cast for my life three sessions ago, and am under sentence of death; is

not my case worse than yours?' Then indeed, he stood silent again, like one struck dumb, and after a

while he starts up. 'Unhappy couple!' says he. 'How can this be

possible?' I took him by the hand. 'Come, my dear,' said I, 'sit

down, and let us compare our sorrows. I am a prisoner in this very

house, and in much worse circumstances than you, and you will be

satisfied I do not come to insult you, when I tell you the

particulars.' Any with this we sat down together, and I told him so

much of my story as I thought was convenient, bringing it at last to my

being reduced to great poverty, and representing myself as fallen into

some company that led me to relieve my distresses by way that I had

been utterly unacquainted with, and that they making an attempt at a

tradesman's house, I was seized upon for having been but just at the

door, the maid-servant pulling me in; that I neither had broke any lock

nor taken anything away, and that notwithstanding that, I was brought

in guilty and sentenced to die; but that the judges, having been made

sensible of the hardship of my circumstances, had obtained leave to

remit the sentence upon my consenting to be transported.

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