It might perhaps be carried further than was needful, but it was an

error of the right hand if it was an error, for by this she kept up the

reputation, such as it was, of her business, and obtained this

character, that though she did take care of the women when they were

debauched, yet she was not instrumental to their being debauched at

all; and yet it was a wicked trade she drove too.

While I was there, and before I was brought to bed, I received a letter

from my trustee at the bank, full of kind, obliging things, and

earnestly pressing me to return to London. It was near a fortnight old

when it came to me, because it had been first sent into Lancashire, and

then returned to me. He concludes with telling me that he had obtained

a decree, I think he called it, against his wife, and that he would be

ready to make good his engagement to me, if I would accept of him,

adding a great many protestations of kindness and affection, such as he

would have been far from offering if he had known the circumstances I

had been in, and which as it was I had been very far from deserving.

I returned an answer to his letter, and dated it at Liverpool, but sent

it by messenger, alleging that it came in cover to a friend in town. I

gave him joy of his deliverance, but raised some scruples at the

lawfulness of his marrying again, and told him I supposed he would

consider very seriously upon that point before he resolved on it, the

consequence being too great for a man of his judgment to venture rashly

upon a thing of that nature; so concluded, wishing him very well in

whatever he resolved, without letting him into anything of my own mind,

or giving any answer to his proposal of my coming to London to him, but

mentioned at a distance my intention to return the latter end of the

year, this being dated in April.

I was brought to bed about the middle of May and had another brave boy,

and myself in as good condition as usual on such occasions. My

governess did her part as a midwife with the greatest art and dexterity

imaginable, and far beyond all that ever I had had any experience of


Her care of me in my travail, and after in my lying in, was such, that

if she had been my own mother it could not have been better. Let none

be encouraged in their loose practices from this dexterous lady's

management, for she is gone to her place, and I dare say has left

nothing behind her that can or will come up on it. Copyright 2016 - 2024