He traversed the shrubbery, glanced into the walled garden--no Jon! Nor

where the peaches and the apricots were beginning to swell and colour.

He passed the Cupressus trees, dark and spiral, into the meadow.

Where had the boy got to? Had he rushed down to the coppice--his old

hunting-ground? Jolyon crossed the rows of hay. They would cock it on

Monday and be carrying the day after, if rain held off. Often they had

crossed this field together--hand in hand, when Jon was a little chap.

Dash it! The golden age was over by the time one was ten! He came to the

pond, where flies and gnats were dancing over a bright reedy surface;

and on into the coppice. It was cool there, fragrant of larches. Still

no Jon! He called. No answer! On the log seat he sat down, nervous,

anxious, forgetting his own physical sensations. He had been wrong to

let the boy get away with that letter; he ought to have kept him under

his eye from the start! Greatly troubled, he got up to retrace his

steps. At the farm-buildings he called again, and looked into the dark

cow-house. There in the cool, and the scent of vanilla and ammonia, away

from flies, the three Alderneys were chewing the quiet cud; just milked,

waiting for evening, to be turned out again into the lower field. One

turned a lazy head, a lustrous eye; Jolyon could see the slobber on

its grey lower lip. He saw everything with passionate clearness, in the

agitation of his nerves--all that in his time he had adored and tried

to paint--wonder of light and shade and colour. No wonder the legend put

Christ into a manger--what more devotional than the eyes and moon-white

horns of a chewing cow in the warm dusk! He called again. No answer! And

he hurried away out of the coppice, past the pond, up the hill. Oddly

ironical--now he came to think of it--if Jon had taken the gruel of his

discovery down in the coppice where his mother and Bosinney in those old

days had made the plunge of acknowledging their love. Where he himself,

on the log seat the Sunday morning he came back from Paris, had realised

to the full that Irene had become the world to him. That would have been

the place for Irony to tear the veil from before the eyes of Irene's

boy! But he was not here! Where had he got to? One must find the poor


A gleam of sun had come, sharpening to his hurrying senses all the

beauty of the afternoon, of the tall trees and lengthening shadows, of

the blue, and the white clouds, the scent of the hay, and the cooing of

the pigeons; and the flower shapes standing tall. He came to the rosery,

and the beauty of the roses in that sudden sunlight seemed to him

unearthly. "Rose, you Spaniard!" Wonderful three words! There she had

stood by that bush of dark red roses; had stood to read and decide that

Jon must know it all! He knew all now! Had she chosen wrong? He bent and

sniffed a rose, its petals brushed his nose and trembling lips; nothing

so soft as a rose-leaf's velvet, except her neck--Irene! On across

the lawn he went, up the slope, to the oak-tree. Its top alone was

glistening, for the sudden sun was away over the house; the lower shade

was thick, blessedly cool--he was greatly overheated. He paused a minute

with his hand on the rope of the swing--Jolly, Holly--Jon! The old

swing! And suddenly, he felt horribly--deadly ill. 'I've over done it!'

he thought: 'by Jove! I've overdone it--after all!' He staggered up

toward the terrace, dragged himself up the steps, and fell against

the wall of the house. He leaned there gasping, his face buried in the

honey-suckle that he and she had taken such trouble with that it might

sweeten the air which drifted in. Its fragrance mingled with awful pain.

'My love!' he thought; 'the boy!' And with a great effort he tottered in

through the long window, and sank into old Jolyon's chair. The book was

there, a pencil in it; he caught it up, scribbled a word on the open

page.... His hand dropped.... So it was like this--was it?...

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