"Ever your devoted father,


Having finished his confession, Jolyon sat with a thin cheek on his

hand, re-reading. There were things in it which hurt him so much, when

he thought of Jon reading them, that he nearly tore the letter up. To

speak of such things at all to a boy--his own boy--to speak of them in

relation to his own wife and the boy's own mother, seemed dreadful to

the reticence of his Forsyte soul. And yet without speaking of them how

make Jon understand the reality, the deep cleavage, the ineffaceable

scar? Without them, how justify this stiffing of the boy's love? He

might just as well not write at all!

He folded the confession, and put it in his pocket. It was--thank

Heaven!--Saturday; he had till Sunday evening to think it over; for

even if posted now it could not reach Jon till Monday. He felt a curious

relief at this delay, and at the fact that, whether sent or not, it was


In the rose garden, which had taken the place of the old fernery, he

could see Irene snipping and pruning, with a little basket on her arm.

She was never idle, it seemed to him, and he envied her now that he

himself was idle nearly all his time. He went down to her. She held up a

stained glove and smiled. A piece of lace tied under her chin concealed

her hair, and her oval face with its still dark brows looked very young.

"The green-fly are awful this year, and yet it's cold. You look tired,


Jolyon took the confession from his pocket. "I've been writing this. I

think you ought to see it?"

"To Jon?" Her whole face had changed, in that instant, becoming almost


"Yes; the murder's out."

He gave it to her, and walked away among the roses. Presently, seeing

that she had finished reading and was standing quite still with the

sheets of the letter against her skirt, he came back to her.


"It's wonderfully put. I don't see how it could be put better. Thank

you, dear."

"Is there anything you would like left out?"

She shook her head.

"No; he must know all, if he's to understand."

"That's what I thought, but--I hate it!"

He had the feeling that he hated it more than she--to him sex was so

much easier to mention between man and woman than between man and man;

and she had always been more natural and frank, not deeply secretive

like his Forsyte self.

"I wonder if he will understand, even now, Jolyon? He's so young; and he

shrinks from the physical."

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