She had quite a reputation for saying the wrong thing, and, tenacious

like all her breed, she would hold to it when she had said it, and add

to it another wrong thing, and so on. With the decease of her husband

the family tenacity, the family matter-of-factness, had gone sterile

within her. A great talker, when allowed, she would converse without the

faintest animation for hours together, relating, with epic monotony, the

innumerable occasions on which Fortune had misused her; nor did she ever

perceive that her hearers sympathized with Fortune, for her heart was


Having sat, poor soul, long by the bedside of Small (a man of poor

constitution), she had acquired, the habit, and there were countless

subsequent occasions when she had sat immense periods of time to amuse

sick people, children, and other helpless persons, and she could never

divest herself of the feeling that the world was the most ungrateful

place anybody could live in. Sunday after Sunday she sat at the feet of

that extremely witty preacher, the Rev. Thomas Scoles, who exercised a

great influence over her; but she succeeded in convincing everybody that

even this was a misfortune. She had passed into a proverb in the family,

and when anybody was observed to be peculiarly distressing, he was known

as a regular 'Juley.' The habit of her mind would have killed anybody

but a Forsyte at forty; but she was seventy-two, and had never looked

better. And one felt that there were capacities for enjoyment about her

which might yet come out. She owned three canaries, the cat Tommy,

and half a parrot--in common with her sister Hester;--and these poor

creatures (kept carefully out of Timothy's way--he was nervous about

animals), unlike human beings, recognising that she could not help being

blighted, attached themselves to her passionately.

She was sombrely magnificent this evening in black bombazine, with

a mauve front cut in a shy triangle, and crowned with a black velvet

ribbon round the base of her thin throat; black and mauve for evening

wear was esteemed very chaste by nearly every Forsyte.

Pouting at Swithin, she said:

"Ann has been asking for you. You haven't been near us for an age!"

Swithin put his thumbs within the armholes of his waistcoat, and


"Ann's getting very shaky; she ought to have a doctor!"

"Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Forsyte!"

Nicholas Forsyte, cocking his rectangular eyebrows, wore a smile. He

had succeeded during the day in bringing to fruition a scheme for the

employment of a tribe from Upper India in the gold-mines of Ceylon. A

pet plan, carried at last in the teeth of great difficulties--he was

justly pleased. It would double the output of his mines, and, as he had

often forcibly argued, all experience tended to show that a man must

die; and whether he died of a miserable old age in his own country,

or prematurely of damp in the bottom of a foreign mine, was surely of

little consequence, provided that by a change in his mode of life he

benefited the British Empire. Copyright 2016 - 2025