On the morning after the storm at Goltres, July 18, Galors sat in the

hall of his stronghold habited as he had ridden in but a few hours

before. In came a red-haired peasant, asking to be made his man.

"Why so, fellow?" asked Galors.

"Lording," said Falve, "because my mother hath done me a wrong."

"Why, thou dog?" cried Galors. "Would'st thou cut thy mother's throat

under my flag?"

"Lording," Falve answered, "I would not cut my mother's throat under

the Pope's flag. But I know thee to be a great lord, master of all

these walks of Morgraunt. If I were made free of thy company I could

ask thee a mercy; and if I asked thee a mercy it would be that thou

should'st order my mother to give me back my wife."

"How, thy wife, rogue?" said Galors, who was weary of the man.

"Lording, she was to have been my wife this day. But she lay last

night with my mother, and by the show of a certain token, which

unknown to me she wore about her, prevailed upon my mother to let her

go. So now she has escaped into the forest, and I am beggared of her

without thy help."

By this Galors was awake. He leaned forward in his chair, put chin to

hand, and asked quietly--"How was she called, this wife of thine, my


"Lording," replied the poor eager rogue, "she was a boy at first,

called Roy; then she revealed herself a maiden."

"I asked her maiden name, red fool."

"Her name, my lording, was Isoult la Desirous."

"Ah! At last!"

He got up from his chair, saying shortly, "Take me this instant to thy


"But lord--"

"Silence, lout, or I swing you sky-high. To your mother without a


Poor Falve, in a cold sweat, obeyed. They found the old lady making

breathless preparations for departure.

"Mother," began Falve, "my Lord Galors--"

"Peace, fool!" broke in Galors. "Dame," he said civilly, "I must thank

you for the great charge you have been at with a certain lady much in

both our hearts. No doubt she has spoken to you of Messire Prosper le

Gai. Madam, I am he."

"As God is great," Falve cried, "I could have sworn the lord of this

town was Messire Galors de Born."

"And so he was but yesterday," said Galors. "But now I hold it for the

Countess Isabel."

The old woman was convinced at this name. She caught Galors by the


"And will you take back the lamb to the dam?" she bleated.

"That is all I ask," replied Galors, speaking the truth.

"You may catch her, Messire--you may catch her. Ah, if I could only

have known of you yester-e'en! She's had but seven hours' start of

you. Take the path for Thornyhold Brush, and you'll find her. Jesu

Christ! when I saw the bleeding bird again I could have died, had

there not been better work before me."

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