The boy blushed a deep red from either anger or embarrassment. “Okay.”

“We will start after Christmas.”

“I said okay.”

Giovanni let the hint of defiance pass unmentioned.

“What does she do up there all by herself? Is she bored? She can’t use her computer anymore, can she?”

He looked up at Ben, noting the look of concern on the boy’s face. “She reads. And runs at night. Or swims. She likes both.”

Benjamin smiled. “I bet she’s super fast now, huh?”

“Very super fast,” he said.

“Is Carwyn really coming for a visit?”


“That’s good. She’ll be happy to see him.”

Giovanni nodded. His wife had been quiet, speaking more with Isabel than with anyone else. He hoped that Carwyn’s visit would help to heal her wounds. He knew from his own experience that most healing only came with time.

“Hey, G?”

He looked up at Benjamin’s plaintive tone. “Yes, Benjamin?”

“She’s going to be all right, though. Right?”

He stared at the boy for a long moment, wishing he could will the months away.

“She’ll be fine.”

He entered the house quietly, careful not to disturb her as she sat near the fire, reading.

“How is he?”

Giovanni slid behind Beatrice on the couch, picking her up so she sat on his lap. “He’s fine. He likes Isabel and Gustavo. He’ll get to know the Revertes soon enough.”

“Does he know they have a very cute daughter his age?”

“I have a feeling that information will brighten his outlook considerably.”

She nestled back into his chest, and his skin hummed happily wherever she touched.

“You’re going to start training him soon, right? You and Gus?”

It had been Beatrice, even more than Giovanni, who had been adamant about Ben receiving self-defense, shooting, and weapons training. He had been reluctant to force the discipline on the boy, but she had insisted to the point of tears. Giovanni knew it was a good precaution, so he had pushed the memories of his own forced training from his mind and focused on what was best for Ben.

“We will start after the holidays, Tesoro. Don’t be anxious. Give him some time to get adjusted.”

“Okay.” She fell silent again, and he looked down to what she was reading. It was a collection of C.S. Lewis essays he had seen her paging through more than once. He pulled the book from her fingers, making sure to mark the page she had been reading.

“Carwyn is coming in a few weeks.”

“That’s good. It’ll be nice to see him.”

“I thought so.”

She was silent for a few minutes more, staring into the fire as he stroked her hair.

“You should see whether Gus and Isabel can get a wrestling match on their satellite dish.”

He chuckled, pleased to hear the spark of humor that lit her voice. “I should.”

There was another silence, and the only sound was the pop of the logs crackling in the fireplace. Even in the middle of summer, Beatrice asked for a fire if he was leaving the house. She seemed to be almost constantly chilled.

“I’m fine, you know. I’m going to be fine.”

He nodded and tucked her head into his shoulder. “I know.”

“So don’t hover.”

Giovanni grinned and picked her up, carrying her to the bedroom. “Wanting my wife’s attention is hovering?”

“Oh… I just realized.” Her head fell against his shoulder. “We’re going to hear it from Carwyn about the wedding thing, aren’t we?”

“I’m sure needling us about that is on the agenda right after wrestling.”

She kissed his jaw and leaned up to whisper, “Can we un-invite him at this point?”

“No.” He kicked the bedroom door closed. “But you can feign irrationally losing your temper as much as you like. He’ll be expecting that from a young vampire.”

She put her hand on his cheek, turning it so she could look into his eyes. For the first time in weeks, Giovanni saw a glimpse of the warm joy that usually marked her gaze.

She smiled. “Excellent. It’s good to have a plan.”

He tossed her in the middle of the bed with a mischievous smile. “Yes, it is.”

London, England

March 2011

The Swan with Two Necks had lost none of its grimy Docklands charm in the year since Giovanni’s last visit. As he sat in the booth, waiting for Tywyll, he looked at the printout of the e-mail Carwyn had sent through Benjamin.


We’re having far more fun without you here. No lessons are being completed. Ben and I drinking, smoking, and chasing women in Santiago next weekend. Please stay in the cold weather as long as you like, it’s nice and warm here. Also, I’ve bought my nephew an off-road motorbike. I am now his favorite uncle.

Your wife is fine. I’m only calling her your wife now because I was able to properly marry you two. Thank the heavens you’re no longer living in sin. Sadly for you, she has finally decided that I am more fun to be with, so we will promptly be tempting God’s wrath to run away together to Hawaii. Also, we went hunting last week. She likes pigs as much as you do.


P.S. She’s well. But take care of things and come home. You are missed.

He felt Tywyll enter the pub and looked up. The old water vampire motioned to the man behind the bar before he sat across from Giovanni, taking out a brown-wrapped parcel from under his arm and setting it on the table. Copyright 2016 - 2024