A sweet smile spread across her face. “No?”


The next evening, Giovanni passed Baojia in the hallway. The water vampire nodded at him politely. He paused. “Baojia?”


He turned toward the water vampire. “I just wanted to thank you for all the time you have spent training Beatrice.”

“I am at her disposal.”

“I have never been able to quell my protective instincts enough to train with her as she deserves, but I know she is progressing, and it pleases me. I also know you usually do not train humans.”

Baojia curled his lip. “I’m not doing it as a favor to you, di Spada.”

“I know. I appreciate it nonetheless.”

Giovanni saw Baojia smirk a little. “And she has good things to say about her weapons practice?”

“Weapons practice?” Giovanni nodded. “Oh yes. She quite enjoys weapons practice.”

Baojia’s eyes narrowed. “Yes… she’s very skilled.”

Giovanni chuckled and continued walking. “You really have no idea.”

Chapter Ten

Mount Penglai, China

October 2010

Despite the slow pace of life on the island, time seemed to slip away with a whisper. It had been three weeks since Lorenzo made his appearance, but Beatrice had scarcely noticed. Her nights were occupied training with Baojia, and her days were occupied with Tenzin or her father, who had absorbed Tenzin’s ability to stay awake almost effortlessly through most of the day. Stephen scarcely needed sleep, so the long separated father and daughter spent hours hidden away in the library of Tenzin’s quarters, getting to know each other again.

Other than her training, Beatrice’s nights were spent with Giovanni. He was doing his utmost to keep her occupied during any hours Lorenzo might be active, keeping her away from the practice room, as well.

“Come back to bed.”

She rose from the silk pillow, intending to take a quick shower at nightfall before she met Baojia for practice with the sword. She’d taken an afternoon nap and woken to Giovanni’s lips again.

“I need to go practice.”

He stretched with a lazy smile and hooded eyes, knowing what the slip of the silk sheet did to her as it crept down his sculpted chest.

“Tesoro mio,” he purred, “come back to bed. You’re not dressed yet; we have time.”

His hand crept out, fingers slipping around her thigh as he drew her back to the luxurious bed.

Beatrice allowed herself to be pulled. “I know what you’re trying to do, possessive vampire.”

“Yes?” he asked as he laid a kiss along her bare hip. “What is that?”

“You’re trying”—she sighed and gave in, falling into the curve of his arms—“to distract me.”

“How am I doing?”

“Very, very well.” She gasped when he ran his fangs along the curve of her shoulder and his hands teased her body, sparking as they pulsed with amnis. Beatrice leaned her head to the side and moaned when his tongue teased her pulse.

“Well, I wouldn’t want to disappoint.”

They decided to make use of the luxurious marble tub much, much later.

Tenzin watched Beatrice as they practiced.

“You’re getting much more limber.”

“Thanks.” She panted as she executed a complex series of kicks and punches from the wushu technique Tenzin’s father had developed hundreds, maybe thousands, of years before. Her legs were aching, but she reveled in the stretch in her hamstrings as her leg lifted in almost a full split.

“Maybe Gio’s libido is good for something.”

“Tenzin, please!” Stephen called from the side of the practice room where he was studying.

“Your ears are just as good as mine!”

Beatrice may have unconsciously held the pose longer than she intended. Tenzin ignored the crimson flush on her face and batted her leg down to the floor.

“Let’s work on flips.”

“Tenzin.” She shook her head. “There’s no way I’m going to be able to do most of those until I turn.”

“You can still practice. Don’t be lazy.”

Beatrice heard Stephen snort. “Why don’t you give her a break so she can help me with this Latin passage?”

“Lazy De Novos!” Tenzin stormed toward the door. “Fine, take fifteen minutes while I go find someone to eat. And, Stephen, don’t pretend you need her help.”

Stephen only looked up and winked at Tenzin before she left the room. Beatrice grabbed a towel and a glass of water before she sat down next to her father.

“Do you really need help?”

“No.” He grinned. “I’m not even reading Latin. This is a Greek manual on alchemy from Alexandria. Have you learned any classical Greek yet?”

She shook her head. “No, it’s so dense.”

“You’ll learn fast enough when you put your mind to it. Especially after you turn.” He glanced up, and a serious expression blanketed his eyes. “You’re sure about it?”

“What?” She patted her face with the towel. “About turning? Yeah. I mean, Gio and I… well, you know we’re serious, and I wouldn’t commit myself to him without being sure about the vampire thing.”

“But do you want it? Or is it just because of him?”

She leaned back against the cool wall. “Dad, I know you’re being the good dad here and looking out for my interests, but you realize that there’s no way I can answer that, don’t you?”

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