I. Three Guests at dinner! That's the life! -- Wedgewood, Revere, and Duncan Phyfe!

II. You sit on Duncan -- when you dare, -- And out of Wedgewood, using care, With Paul Revere you eat your fare.

III. From Paul you borrow fork and knife To wage a gastronomic strife 'n porringers; and platters rare Of blue Historic Willow-ware.

IV. Banquets with cymbal, drum and fife, Or rose-wreathed feasts with riot rife To your chaste suppers can't compare.

V. Let those deny the truth who dare! -- Paul, Duncan, Wedgewood! That's the life! All else is bunk and empty air.

ENVOI. The Cordon-bleu has set the pace With Goulash, Haggis, Bouillabaisse, Curry, Chop-suey, Kous-Kous Stew -- I can not offer these to you, -- Being a plain, old-fashioned cook, -- So pray accept this scrambled book.

May, 1922 R.W.C.

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