
Farmer Jones started missing chickens and turkeys and one night heard such a clutter outside he thought coyotes was after his stock and ran out with his gun and almost ran right smack into what he thought was a man in a sasquatch costum and smelt the most disgusting smell of dead meat on him. The sasquatch grabbed him and threw him up against the hen house and let out this horrific sound. then the sasquatch left. His wife had seen the incident and called the police which came and took his report plus the ambulance came and took him to the hospital. He thanked God that he had only a concussion. The state police started their own investigation and realized that there were no little wildlife of any kind that they could find. Even at night the countryside was quiet from the usual sounds so they asked for the conservation guys to come in and give them a report just to make sure they were right before reporting it to the town's council

​Their little dog a yorkie was found dead in one of the hen house . It's poor little body looked as though someone had just squeezed him to death.

​ Mrs. Jones bought two doberman pinshers one male and a female from a kennel name Dutch and Dutchess being a little younger and going to have pups to protect the farm's animals Then Mrs. Hamilton's farmer market was ransaced for the third time and got a german shephard name Duke to watch it and would keep an animal at bay. Poor sweet Duke was found dead outside with it's neck broke. The same night Mrs. Jones' Dutch 's neck was broke and his body was thrown on the front porch and his body hit the door waking them up. The next morning Dutchess was found huddle down under the front porch close to the foundation almost right in the middle where it was almost impossible to reach but their teenage son did reach her and had to drag her out. The poor dog was trembling so bad they took her to the vet She was given medicene to calm her down. It seemed like everyday another animal that was brought in to protect people's property was missing or found dead.

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