The second group of thrill seekers was labeled as the half believers that does want to see a sasquatch but not up close so they could go home bragging about seeing one which is a little harder to get rid of. The third group was llabeled as thrill seeking hunters where they could go on tv and brag about hunting and killing a sasquatch.They bring in high power rifles and that is where danagement of innocent lives come into play. And they are the hardest group to get rid of.

​ The hospital board gave their permission to use the vacant lot and doctors and nurses volunteered to participant in the emergency training and let the town's citizens along with the group that would come out participate in the drill. That training session went off without any incidents and even the media took the bait and afterwards gave them a standing ovation and went back home


​The council wasn't sure of how to get rid of the second and third group of thrill seekers when a recently new citizen of Fishing River who had moved into the low income apartment who was a lumberfack about nine feet tall came walking in and a little boy who had came with his mother jumped up and pointed at him and yelled asquatch. The council looked at him and then covened into a closed session and then one person came and acted like he was striking up a conversation with the audience and talked to the ex lumberjack and found out that he wasn't working and was looking for a job and thought maybe a maintance position might be open He was taken into the closed meeting and was hired. The next thing the media saw he was being handcuffed and taken into custody for vandalizm and both groups took the bait. Copyright 2016 - 2025