Fishing River was one of the bigger if not the biggest agricultural towns in the state with rolling hills. On the highest hill sat a catholic church and school which had this beautiful bell that would ring on the hour every hour and could be heard throughout the whole town. If you stood on that hill depending which way you looked you saw this remarkable sight. To the east you could see acres of surrounding farmlands. To the west about several blocks away you could see this hugh bridge which went over one of the biggest rivers which ran south and seperated into several little creeks. Depending on which bridge you took out of town led you to different tourist destinations. One led you out of town to the big highway that would take you to the big cities that the state was known for which had sport teams and big well known colleges

​ Fishing River itself had several churches depending which faith you were. One city block had two churches at it's corner. One was a Baptist and the other was a Methodist and a funeral home in between A couple of blocks down the hill from it sat a Luthern church The square was where the court house, City Hall, and police station was. There was at two barber shops and beauty salons along with some mom and pops stores. About a mile away was a major supercenter. On roads out of town was the turkey factory. lumber yard. even a big well known coffee company and a oil dispensing outfit. It was also known for three or four grain elevators and a saw mill. at least two major banks. two major farmers markets. It was well known for their fruit and nut groves. If there was a major disaster the town could survive for a long time on it's own. It had at least three service stations,and one garage. Besides the catholic school the public schools was located in town and had a good size track field along with their baseball amd football fields. Nobody had to venture out of town to the larger cities unless they just wanted to Copyright 2016 - 2025