Mia dug in to her salmon. She’d had it here before, so she knew it was exceptionally good. It didn’t take Nathan long before he scooped a bite with his fork, so she snuck a taste of his tuna, which was amazing.

“That’s really good,” she said.

“Yeah. So’s the salmon. Mick’s steak looks great. We’ll have to come back so I can have it next time.”

She smiled. “We can do that.”

She looked up and saw Amelia coming over. She’d shed her chef’s coat and looked absolutely beautiful in a pale blue blouse over navy slacks. She’d pulled her hair out of the ponytail she was wearing earlier and now it lay over her shoulders. She laid her hands on Flynn’s shoulders, and he stood to brush a kiss across her lips.

“How was your steak?” she asked.

“Perfect, as always. Are you finished in the kitchen?”

She nodded. “Stefanie is taking over. I thought I’d pop out here for a visit.”

“We’re so glad you’re taking time out to sit with us,” Tara said. “Have you eaten yet?”

Amelia sat in the chair Flynn pulled over for her. “I eat constantly in the kitchen while I’m cooking. I have to taste everything, so I’m not hungry. I would love a glass of wine, though.”

“I’ll get that for you,” Flynn said. “White or red?”

“White, please.”

Flynn went to the bar.

“The food was amazing, Amelia,” Mia said.

“Thank you. I saw you had the salmon. I’m so glad you liked it.”

“The pasta was incredible, too,” Tara said.

“Thank you, Tara. Where is Sam?”

“Spending the night with friends.”

“Here,” Nathan said, getting up as Flynn returned with her wine. “I’ll trade seats with you so you can sit by Tara and Mia.”

Amelia smiled at Nathan. “Thanks, Nathan. It’s been too long since I’ve had an opportunity to catch up and I want to know what’s going on. I feel like I’m always buried in the kitchen.”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Tara said.

Amelia laughed. “No, it’s definitely my favorite place. But I hear you’re expanding your business, Tara. And I want to hear all about Mia’s new company.”

Amelia looked over at the guys, who were huddled together like they were in the midst of a football game and about to make a call on the next play. She picked up her glass of wine. “Come on. Let’s get away from the guys and go outside. I could use some air.”

Mia grabbed her glass. “That sounds like a great idea.”

Nathan looked up. “Where are you going?”


“Oh. Okay. Have fun.”

As Tara and Amelia passed by, Nathan’s fingers brushed against hers. She looked down at him. “What?”

He gave her a smile. “Nothing. Just . . . you know.”

She didn’t know. Or, maybe she did. It was the touch. His touch. And it was everything. “Yes.”

Her insides churned with just that simple brush of his fingers to hers.

Dammit. She’d wanted that one night with him, that orgasmic release so she could relax and never let it happen again. But with one touch, she realized she wasn’t ready to move on from him. In fact, she wanted a lot more from Nathan.

Which was perplexing as hell.

With a troubled sigh, she stepped outside. She needed to talk to someone about her feelings for Nathan. And the last person she could discuss them with was his mother. So she’d just have to dwell on them tonight.

There was an outside bar and eating area. Tara and Amelia were seated at the bar, the two of them huddled together like the best of friends. Shaking off thoughts of Nathan, Mia joined them.

“So he asked me to move in with him,” Amelia said.

“Ohhh,” Tara said in response. “So are you going to?”

Mia took a seat. “Wait. Flynn wants you to move into his place?”

Amelia nodded. “Yes. We’ve been taking things slow, you know. I mean, we love each other. That’s a given. But I didn’t want to jump into anything. I’m still leasing my house.”

Mia nodded. “Right. You said you wanted to keep your own space. But it’s been a while since you two committed to each other. And obviously something has changed if he’s asked you to move in.”

“Yes. A lot of things have changed. We’ve grown even closer. We’ve talked about getting a dog.”

“Aww,” Tara said. “That would be wonderful.”

“It would be. But it wouldn’t make sense for us to have a dog unless we’re living in one place. Especially with Flynn traveling so much during the season. And my place doesn’t allow pets. So . . .”

“But a dog wouldn’t be the only reason you two would move in together, would it?”

“No.” Amelia lifted her glass of wine and took a sip. “He also asked me to marry him.”

Mia’s eyes widened. “He proposed? When?”

“Last week.”

Tara grabbed Amelia’s wrist. “And? What did you say?”

Amelia gave them both a serious look.

Oh, God. She turned him down. Flynn had seemed his normal, happy self. But then again, he didn’t tell her everything.

But then Amelia grinned. “I said yes, of course. I love that man.”

“Oh, my God, Amelia,” Mia said. “You scared the shit out of me.”

“Me, too,” Tara said. She got up and hugged Amelia.

Mia did, too, then whispered, “Brat,” in her ear.

Amelia laughed as they sat down. “Sorry. I couldn’t help myself. He gave me an amazing ring. It’s perfect for me.”

Mia searched Amelia’s finger. “Where is it?”

“In my purse. I don’t wear it when I’m cooking.”

“Go get it,” Tara said. “You’re not cooking now.”

“I do need to check on the kitchen. I’ll be right back.”

Amelia left and Mia turned to Tara. “Secrets. I can’t believe they kept it a secret for this long.”

Tara nodded. “They probably wanted to be alone with it for a short period of time. You know, to celebrate it by themselves. Engagements can be overwhelming, and then suddenly everyone’s bombarding you with wedding questions that you’re totally unprepared to answer.”

“I suppose that’s true. But I’m still going to kill my brother for not telling me.”

Tara laughed. “As is your right.”

Mia sighed. “I’m so excited for both of them. I’ve never known two people more in love. It took them a while to get there, too.”

Tara nodded. “I know. I even tried to fix them up with different people.”

“You did?”

“Yes. Before they got together, Flynn was having all those difficulties finding the right person. I had a dinner party, so I invited him, and he invited Amelia to join him in his misery, or something to that effect.”

Mia laughed. “Of course he did. Even back then I knew he liked her.”

“Yes, he did.”

“So what happened at the dinner party?”

“The two people I fixed them up with ended up with each other.”

Mia laughed. “Seriously? That’s awesome.”

“It is. They’re still together, as a matter of fact. A lovely couple. As are Flynn and Amelia. Sometimes people are just right for each other, even if they don’t see it at first.”


Mia looked up when Amelia came back outside.

“How are things in the kitchen?” Mia asked.

“Running smoothly, just as I expected. I have a great staff.”

“Okay, let’s see it,” Tara said.

Amelia held out her hand.

Mia gasped. “Oh, my God, Amelia. It’s gorgeous.”

It was a large emerald cut center diamond, surrounded by diamonds on the setting, with more diamonds on the band.

“I agree,” Tara said, taking Amelia’s hand. “It’s stunning.”

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