“Not much to tell,” Mia said, trying to ignore the shivers skidding down her spine in reaction to Nathan’s touch. The last thing she wanted was to give Jamal and Wendy the idea that Nathan and she were a couple. “We’re friends. Really good friends.”

Wendy arched a brow and Mia knew what the unasked question was.

“Unfortunately, not with benefits,” Nathan said.

Jamal laughed. “Too bad for you, buddy.”

Nathan leaned over and nuzzled Mia’s ear. “That could change anytime you want it to.”

She picked up her wineglass and took a sip. “Or not.”

He swirled his thumb over the back of her neck, giving her goose bumps. “You know I want to change your mind.”

She hadn’t been this relaxed in months. And she felt really good. Her body tingled with the need to be touched and kissed. She realized there wasn’t anyone else she wanted touching her but Nathan.

So she leaned over and whispered in his ear. “Give it your best shot.”

She was testing the waters and maybe she was opening up Pandora’s Box and she’d regret it. But she’d said the words and she wouldn’t take them back this time. She was tired of the back and forth and maybe she just wanted Nathan.

No, there was no maybe about it. She did want him.

So now that it was out there, she’d see what happened.



He’d only had one glass of wine so he was pretty much stone-cold sober. And before dinner he was certain Mia had put sex back on the table.

He wanted dinner over with so he could get her alone. Instead, they’d had a fucking four-course meal that had taken eleven hundred hours to eat, so they’d had to endure food and conversation, with Mia occasionally smiling at him and laying her hand on his arm and giving him looks that told him exactly what was on her mind.

Sex. It sure as hell had been on his.

His dick had been semihard for the past two and a half hours. He’d never been more miserable.

And then everyone had to order dessert.

Fucking hell.

He stared down at his crème brûlée as it if were the enemy. He typically loved dessert. But right now, dessert was getting in the way of his sex life.

Mia brushed her fingers over his forearm. “Is something wrong?”

Yeah, something was wrong. This fucking meal was taking too long. “No, I’m fine.”

She slanted a disbelieving look at him. “Are you sure? You’re not eating your crème brûlée.”

That was because crème brûlée was a sex-denying dessert. It was evil and had to be destroyed. “I’m full.”

She arched a brow. “I cannot believe those words came out of your mouth. You are never full. Usually you eat your dessert and mine.”

He shrugged and stabbed his spoon into the dessert.

Die, fucker.

Although maybe if he ate faster they could all get out of there.

He scooped up the offending custard and shoveled it in his mouth in a hurry. He had it polished off in about six bites. He had no idea what it even tasted like. He didn’t care. He just wanted it gone.

Their waiter came over and asked if anyone wanted more coffee. He prayed no one said yes.

“I’m fine, thank you,” Mia said.

Both Jamal and Wendy declined.

Nathan looked up at the waiter. “We’ll just take the check.”

While Mia and Wendy went to the restroom, Jamal and Nathan took care of paying the bill. It looked like they were finally going to get out of there.

They stood when Wendy and Mia returned.

“Ready to go?” Nathan asked.

Wendy nodded. “Yes, let’s do that.” She took Jamal’s hand and led the way toward the exit.

Mia leaned in close. “Anxious to leave?”

He brushed his fingers against hers. “You have no idea.”

Her lips curved.

The ride back was long and interminable, especially since Mia sat next to Wendy so they could chat. He sat across from them, which meant he had nothing to do but stare at Mia’s gorgeous legs.

Dammit. He was not going to ride in this limo with a hard-on while sitting next to Jamal. So he turned his focus on his best friend and talked football instead, deciding ignoring Mia was probably better for his sanity.

He almost audibly sighed in relief when the limo pulled in front of the lodge. He resisted, holding his hand out for Mia to help her.

“I wish there was a place where we could go clubbing,” Wendy said.

Jamal nodded. “I think there’s a place that has cover bands or jazz musicians. Wanna go check it out?”

“I do.” Wendy turned to them. “How about you two? You game?”

Kill me now. Clubbing? If Mia said yes, he might just cry.

He looked over at Mia, who shook her head. “I’m done for. How about you, Nathan?”

Finally. He resisted the urge to shove his fist in the air in triumph.

“Yeah, me, too. I’m heading to my room. You two have a great time.”

They waited while Jamal and Wendy left, then Nathan turned to Mia.

“What now?”

She moved into him. “I don’t know, Nathan. What do you want to do now?”

He took her hand and led her to the side of the lodge. He couldn’t wait another minute, so he backed her up to the wall. “What I’ve wanted to do all damn night.”

He nestled his body against hers and she laid her hands on his chest, tilting her head back to look at him. There was a fire in her eyes that hadn’t been there before.

“And what have you wanted to do all night?”


He put his mouth over hers and kissed her.



Nathan’s lips against hers felt like an inferno. Hot and needy and filled with raging desire. She craved more. She clutched his arms to draw that blast of sensual heat closer. He groaned against her lips and her sex quivered in response. She ran her fingers across his chest, moving over the broad expanse of muscle there to seek out his biceps. She gripped his arms and dug her nails into his skin as he sucked her tongue into his mouth.

She wanted to climb all over him, strip him down and do delicious, dirty things with him.

But she realized their surroundings, so she pulled away. “Nathan, we’re outside.”

He nodded, rested his forehead against hers for a few seconds, then backed away, dragging in a few deep breaths as he did.

“I’m gonna need a minute before we go in.”

She noticed his erection straining against his pants, wanted nothing more than to run her hand over his straining flesh, to unzip him and feel his hot, hard cock.

Instead, she took a couple of breaths herself. Maybe some cool night air would rein in her obviously overcharged libido. She decided to look up at the stars. Anything to get her mind off Nathan.

But then Nathan slipped his hand into hers. “Okay. Let’s go.”

They walked inside and took the elevator up to their floor. Not touching him more took every ounce of restraint she possessed, but she managed it.

She took her key card out of her wallet and slipped it in the door to her room. When she opened the door, she turned to Nathan.

“You’re coming in, aren’t you?”

“If you’re inviting me.”

“I’m inviting you.” She backed in and he stepped into the room and shut the door.

“If I’m in, I’m in for the night, Mia. So you need to decide if this is what you really want. If you don’t, I’ll leave.”

He was giving her the choice to change her mind again.

“I want you to stay.”

His lips curved and he reached behind him to flip the lock, then moved toward her.

She backed against the wall, not bothering to turn on the light in the room. She dropped her purse on the carpet, letting the key card follow.

He nestled his body against hers. “Did you wear that dress tonight for me?”

She tilted her head back. “Yes and no.”

“Fair answer.” He swept his fingers over the skin of her collarbone. “I like this dress, Mia. But I have to tell you, it drove me crazy.”

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