The hunters had waited to watch the result, and as the horse came up for

a fourth trial, with its wild eyes flashing, its nostrils quivering, and

its forelock tossed over one ear, it was seen that the bridle had broken

and Rossi was riding with one rein.

"He'll be lucky if he isn't hurt," said some one.

"Why doesn't he give it the whip over its quarters?" said another.

But David Rossi only patted his horse until it came to the spot where it

had shied before. Then he reached over its neck on the side of the

broken rein, and with open hand struck it sharply across the nose. The

horse reared, snorted, and jumped, and at the next moment it was

standing quietly on the other side of the wall.

Roma, on her bay mare, was ashen pale, and the American Ambassador

turned to her and said: "Never knew but one man to do a thing like that, Donna Roma."

Roma swallowed something in her throat and said: "Who was it, General


"The present Pope when he was a Noble Guard."

"He can ride, by Jove!" said Don Camillo.

"That sort of stuff has to be in a man's blood. Born in him--must be!"

said the Englishman.

And then David Rossi came up with a new bridle to his sorrel, and Sir

Evelyn added: "You handle a horse like a man who began early, Mr.


"Yes," said David Rossi; "I was a stable-boy two years in New York, your


At that moment the huntsman who was leading with two English terriers

gave the signal that the fox was started, whereupon the hounds yelped,

the whips whistled, and the horses broke into a canter.

Two hours afterwards the poor little creature that had been the origin

of the holiday was tracked to earth and killed. Its head and tail were

cut off, and the rest of its body was thrown to the dogs. After that

flasks were taken out, healths were drunk, cheers were given, and then

the hunt broke up, and the hunters began to return at an easy trot.

Roma and David Rossi were riding side by side, and the Princess was a

pace or two behind them.

"Roma!" cried the Princess, "what a stretch for a gallop!"

"Isn't it?" said Roma, and in a moment she was off.

"I believe her mare has mastered her," said the Princess, and at the

next instant David Rossi was gone too. Copyright 2016 - 2024