"Holy Father," she said, "how can I wish to live when he who loved me

loves me no longer? I know quite well it is better that I should go, and

that when he comes it should be all over. I dreamt of it last night,

your Holiness. I thought my husband had come back and all the church

bells were ringing. Only a dream, and perhaps you do not believe in such

foolishness. But it was very sweet to think that if I could not live for

my love I could die for him, and so wipe out everything."

The Pope's white head was bent very low.

"And then I cannot suffer very much, your Holiness. I am ill, really

ill, and my trouble will not last very long. And if God is using what

has happened to bring out all things well, perhaps He intends that I

shall give myself in the place of some one who is better and more


The Pope could bear no more. His lip quivered and his voice shook, but

his eyes were shining.

"It is not for me to gainsay you, my daughter. I came here to see Mary

Magdalene, and find the soul of the saints themselves. The world's

judgment on a woman who has sinned is merciless and cruel, but if David

Rossi is worthy of his mother and his name, he will come back to you on

his knees."

"Bless me, your Holiness."

"I bless you, my daughter. May He in whose hands are the issues of life

and death cover your transgressions with the vast wings of His gracious

pardon and bring you joy and peace."

The Pope went out with a brightening face, and Roma staggered back to

her couch.


David Rossi sat all day in his room in the Vatican reading the letters

the Pope had left with him. They were the letters which Roma had

addressed to him in London, Paris, and Berlin.

He read them again and again, and save for the tick of the clock there

was no sound in the large gaunt room but his stifled moans. The most

violently opposed feelings possessed him, and he hardly knew whether he

was glad or sorry that thus late, and after a cruel fate had fallen,

these messages of peace had reached him.

A spirit seemed to emanate from the thin transparent sheets of paper,

and it penetrated his whole being. As he read the words, now gay, now

sad, now glowing with joy, now wailing with sorrow, a world of fond and

tender emotions swelled up and blotted out all darker passions.

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