"Go back and tell the Major that I will go instead," said the Pope.

"Holy Father!"

"Ask him if the secret passage between the Vatican and the Castle of St.

Angelo can still be opened up."

Count de Raymond returned to say that the Major would open it. In the

present political crisis no one could tell what a day would bring forth,

and in any case he would take the consequences.

The Noble Guard held four unopened letters in his hand. They were

addressed to the Honourable Rossi in a woman's writing, and had been

re-addressed to the Chamber of Deputies from London, Paris, and Berlin.

"An official from the post-office gave me these letters, and asked me if

I could deliver them," said the young soldier.

"My son, my son, didn't you see that it was a trap?" said the Pope. "But

no matter! Give them to me. We must leave all to the Holy Spirit."


"The dress of a simple priest to-day, Gaetanino," said the Pope, when

his valet came to his bedroom on the following morning.

After Mass and the usual visit of the Cardinal Secretary, the Pope

called for the young Count de Raymond.

"We'll go down to our guest first," he said, putting into the

side-pocket of his cassock the letters which the Noble Guard had given


They found Rossi sitting in a large, sparsely furnished room, by an

almost untouched breakfast. He lifted his head when he heard steps, and

rose as the Pope entered. His pale face was a picture of despair.

"Something has died in him," thought the Pope, and an aching sadness,

which had been gnawing at his heart for days, returned.

"They make you comfortable in this old place, my son?"

"Yes, your Holiness."

"And you have everything you wish for?"

"More than I deserve, your Holiness."

"You have suffered, my son. But, in the providence of God, who knows

what may happen yet? Don't lose heart. Take an old man's word for

it--life is worth living. The Holy Father has found it so in spite of

many sorrows."

A kind of pitying smile passed over the young man's miserable face.

"Mine is a sorrow your Holiness can know nothing about--I have lost my

wife," he said.

There was a moment of silence. Then the Pope said in a voice that shook

slightly, "You don't mean that your wife is dead, but only...."

"Only," said Rossi, with a curl of the lip, "that it was she who

betrayed me."

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