The Pope awoke next morning in the dreary hour of cock-crow, and rang

for his valet while he was still in bed. When the valet came he was

greatly agitated.

"What's amiss, Gaetanino?" said the Pope.

"A madman, your Holiness," said the valet. "They wanted me to awaken

your Holiness, and I wouldn't do it. A madman is down at the bronze

gate, and insists on seeing you."

At this moment the Maestro di Camera came into the room. He also was

greatly agitated.

"What is this about some poor madman at the bronze gate?" asked the


"I have come to tell your Holiness," said the master of the household.

"The man declares he is pursued, and demands sanctuary."

"Who is he?"

"He says he will give his name to the Holy Father only; but his


"The man's mad," said the valet.

"Be quiet, Gaetanino."

"His face," continued the Maestro di Camera, "is known to the Swiss

Guard, and when they sent up word...."

The Pope sat up and said, "Is it perhaps..."

"It is, your Holiness."

"Where is he now?"

"He has forced his way in as far as the Sala Clementina, and nothing but

physical force...."

Sounds of voices raised in dispute could be heard in a distant room. The

Pope listened and said: "Let the man come up immediately."

"Here, your Holiness?"


The Maestro di Camera had hardly gone from the Pope's bedroom when the

Secretary of State entered it with hasty steps.

"Your Holiness," he said, "you will not allow yourself to receive this

person? It is sufficiently clear that he must have escaped from the

police during the night, probably by the help of confederates, and to

shelter him will be to come into collision with the civil authorities."

"The young man demands sanctuary, your Eminence, and whatever the

consequences we have no right to refuse it."

"But sanctuary is obsolete, your Holiness."

"Nothing can be obsolete that is of divine institution, your Eminence."

"But, your Holiness, it can only exist by virtue of concession from the

State, and the present relation of the Church to the State of Italy..."

"Your Eminence, I will ask you to let the young man come in."

"Your Holiness, I beg, I pray, reflect..."

"Let the young man come in, your Em..."

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