"Addio, carissima! Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal

upon thine arm, for love is strong as death. If there were any

possibility of our love increasing it would increase after going

through dangers like these. Keep well, dearest. Preserve that

sweet life which is so precious to me that I cannot live without

it. Do you remember, it was the 2nd of February when we parted in

the darkness at the church door, and now it is Easter, and the day

after to-morrow we shall hear the Easter bells! Spring is here,

and in the unchangeable changeableness of nature I see the

resurrection of humanity and listen to the Gloria of God.

"You cannot answer this letter, dear, because I shall already be

on the way to Rome before it reaches you, but you can send me a

telegram to Chiasso. Do so. I shall look out for the telegraph boy

the moment the train stops at the station. Say you are well and

happy and waiting for me, and it will be like a smile from your

lovely lips and eyes on the frontier of my native land.

"My train is due to arrive on Sunday morning at seven o'clock.

Meet me at the railway station, and let your face be the first I

see when the train draws up in Rome. Then ... let me hear your

voice, and let my heart become a King.


Roma had grown paler and paler as she read this letter. The man's love

and trust were crushing her. Tears filled her eyes and flooded her face.

But her soul, which had been stunned and had fallen, recovered itself

and arose.

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