From the moment of David Rossi's arrival there was a tingling movement

in the air, and from time to time people approached and spoke to him,

when the tired smile struggled through the jaded face and then slowly

died away. After a while, as if to subdue the sense of personal

observation, he took a pen and oblong notepaper and began to write on

his knees.

Meantime the quick-eyed facile crowd around him beguiled the tedium of

waiting with good-humoured chaff. One great creature with a shaggy mane

and a sanguinary voice came up, bottle in hand, saluted the downcast

head with a mixture of deference and familiarity, then climbed to the

box-seat beside the driver, and in deepest bass began the rarest

mimicry. He was a true son of the people, and under an appearance of

ferocity he hid the heart of a child. To look at him you could hardly

help laughing, and the laughter of the crowd at his daring dashes showed

that he was the privileged pet of everybody. Only at intervals the

downcast head was raised from its writing, and a quiet voice of warning

said: "Bruno!"

Then the shaggy head on the box-seat slewed round and bobbed downward

with an apologetic gesture, and ten seconds afterwards plunged into

wilder excesses.

"Pshaw!" mopping with one hand his forehead under his tipped-up

billicock, and holding the bottle with the other. "It's hot! Dog of a

Government, it's hot, I say! Never mind! here's to the exports of Italy,

brother; and may the Government be the first of them."


"Excuse me, sir; the tongue breaks no bones, sir! All Governments are

bad, and the worst Government is the best."

A feeble old man was at that moment crushing his way up to the cab.

Seeing him approach, David Rossi rose and held out his hand. The old man

took it, but did not speak.

"Did you wish to speak to me, father?"

"I can't yet," said the old man, and his voice shook and his eyes were


David Rossi stepped out of the cab, and with gentle force, against many

protests, put the old man in his place.

"I come from Carrara, sir, and when I go home and tell them I've seen

David Rossi, and spoken to him, they won't believe me. 'He sees the

future clear,' they say, 'as an almanack made by God.'"

Just then there was a commotion in the crowd, an imperious voice cried,

"Clear out," and the next instant David Rossi, who was standing by the

step of his cab, was all but run down by a magnificent equipage with two

high-stepping horses and a fat English coachman in livery of scarlet

and gold. Copyright 2016 - 2024