"Have I said sufficient? If this letter gives you half the pain on

reading it that I have felt in writing it, you will be satisfied

at last that the obstacles to our union are permanent and

insuperable. The time is come when I am forced to tell you the

secrets which I have never before revealed to any human soul. You

know them now. They are in your keeping, and it is enough.

"Heaven be over you! And when you are reconciled to our

separation, and both of us are strong, remember that if you want

me I will come, and that as long as I live, as long as I am at

liberty, I shall be always ready, always waiting, always near. God

bless you, my dear one! Adieu!


During the afternoon of the following day a letter came by a flying

messenger on a bicycle. It was written in pencil in large and straggling


"DEAR MR. ROSSI,--Your letter has arrived and been read, and, yes,

it has been destroyed, too, according to your wish, although the

flames that burnt it burnt my hand also, and scorched my heart as


"No doubt you have done wisely. You know better than I do what is

best for both of us, and I yield, I submit. Only--and therefore--I

must see you immediately. There is a matter of some consequence on

which I wish to speak. It has nothing to do with the subject of

your letter--nothing directly, at all events--or yet is it in any

way related to the Minghelli mischief-making. So you may receive

me without fear. And you will find me with a heart at ease.

"Didn't I tell you that if you wouldn't come to me I must go to

you? Expect me this evening about Ave Maria, and arrange it that I

may see you alone.



As Ave Maria approached, David Rossi became still more agitated. The sky

had darkened, but there was no wind; the air was empty, and he listened

with strained attention for every sound from the staircase and the

street. At length he heard a cab stop at the door, and a moment

afterwards a light hurrying footstep in the outer room seemed to beat

upon his heart.

The door opened and Roma came in quickly, with a scarcely audible

salutation. He saw her with her golden complexion and her large violet

eyes, wearing a black hat and an astrachan coat, but his head was going

round and his pulses were beating violently, and he could not control

his eyes.

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