"Sure you don't want anything, sir?" said Bruno with confusion.

David Rossi rose and walked about the room with his slow step.

"You have something to say to me?"

"Well, yes, sir--yes, I have."

"What is it?"

Bruno scratched his shock head and looked about as if for help. His eyes

fell on the letter lying open in the light on the desk.

"It's about that, sir. I knew where it came from by the colour and the



Bruno began to look frightened, and then in a louder voice, that bubbled

out of his mouth like water from the neck of a bottle, he said: "Tell you the truth, sir, people are talking about you."

"What are they saying, Bruno?"

"Saying?... Ever heard the proverb, 'Sun in the eyes, the battle lost'?

Sun in the eyes--that's what they're saying, sir."

"So they're saying that, are they?"

"They are. And doesn't it look like it, sir? You'll allow it looks like

it, anyway. When you started the Republic, sir, the people had hopes of

you. But a month is gone and you haven't done a thing."

David Rossi, with head down, continued to pace to and fro.

"'Patience,' I'm saying. 'Go slow and sure,' says I. That's all right,

sir, but the Government is going fast enough. Forty thousand men called

out to keep the people quiet, and when the bread-tax begins on the first

of the month the blessed saints know what will happen. Next week we

hold our meeting in the Coliseum. You called it yourself, sir, yet

they're laying odds you won't be there. Where will you be? In the house

of a bad woman?"

"Bruno!" cried Rossi in a stern voice, "what right have you to talk to

me like this?"

Bruno was frightened at what he had said, but he tried to carry it off

with a look of passion.

"Right? The right of a friend, sir, who can't stand by and see you

betrayed. Yes, betrayed, that's the word for it. Betrayed! Betrayed!

It's a plot to ruin the people through the weakness of their leader. A

woman drawn across a man's trail. The trick is as old as the ages. Never

heard what we say in Rome?--'The man is fire, the woman is tow; then

comes the devil and puts them together.'"

David Rossi was standing face to face with Bruno, who was growing hot

and trying to laugh bitterly.

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