Jamison Andrew Collinsworth was born on Sunday June the 18th of 1978 on father's day. He was born under the sign of Gemini. . According to the zodiac sign he would be impatient,energentic, fairly self sufficent and responsible .All his dad knew was Allison had given him the perfect father's day present. He just kept going back into the nursery to be with their son. He kept counting all of his fingers and toes. He had brown hair and blue eyes like his old man.

​He was very impatient during his elementary years in school. He seemed to always be the first to finish his homework and couldn't wait til morgan finished to go out to play. Their father had a man build them a tree house. You could tell which boy drew the long straw and was leader that day at the tree house by the sign that they hung up on the door. Jamison enjoyed being in the boyscouts. His sign up for troop 309.

​He enjoyed camping, He was always the first one to have his tent put up at boy scout camp. His campfire seemed to be the perfect round shape every time.The fish they caught didn't go to waste either they ate them or gave them to a needy person or family. Every boy scout had to pick a project to head. Jamison picked feeding the hungry and cleaning out the city's creek including picking up trash around town. At Christmas time they had a christmas tree farm at one corner of a deptment stor's parking lot. He quit just short of getting his Eagle badge.

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