There was only one thing which exclusively occupied Corilla, following

and tormenting her day and night, and that was her poetic fame. She

desired that her name should stand high in the world, glorified by all

Europe, and for this purpose she desired above all things to be crowned

as a poetess in the capitol of the holy city; for this fame she would

willingly have given many years of her life.

That was the aim of all her efforts, and how much would she not have

borne, ventured, and suffered for its attainment! How many intrigues

were planned, how much cunning and dissimulation, flattery, and

hypocrisy, had been employed for that purpose, and all, all as yet in


Therefore it was that Corilla now wept, and with occasional outbreaks of

passionate exclamations violently paced her room. Her cheeks glowed, her

eyes flashed--she was very beautiful in this state of excitement.

That she must have acknowledged to herself as her glance accidentally

encountered her own face in the glass.

With a smile of satisfaction she remained standing before the mirror,

and almost angrily she said: "Ah, why am I now alone, why does no one see me in my beautiful glow? My

face might now produce some effect, and gain me friends! Why, then, am I

now alone?"

But it seems that Corilla had only to express a wish in order to see

it suddenly fulfilled; for the door was at that moment opened, and a

servant announced Count Alexis Orloff.

Corilla smiled with delight, and let that smile remain upon her lips,

as she very well knew it was becoming to her, and that she had conquered

many hearts with it; but secretly her heart throbbed with fear, and

timidly she asked herself, "What can that Russian count want of me?"

But with a cheerful face she advanced to receive him; she seemed not to

remark that a dark cloud lay upon his brow, and that his features bore

an almost threatening expression.

"He is a barbarian," thought she, "and barbarians must be treated

differently from other men. I must flatter this lion, in order to fetter


"It is a serious matter that brings me to you, signora," said Alexis,


"A serious matter?" she cheerfully asked. "Ah, then I pity you, count.

It is difficult to speak with me of serious matters!"

"You rather do them!" said Alexis, carelessly throwing himself upon a

divan. "You would not play with such serious things as, for instance,

a dagger, and therefore you hurl it from you, altogether indifferent

whether you thereby quite accidentally pierce the heart of another."

"I do not understand you, count," said Corilla, without embarrassment,

but at the same time she looked at him with such a charming and enticing

expression, that Alexis involuntarily smiled. Copyright 2016 - 2025