In French I am already becoming fluent. You see, except for certain

lessons in it, I have scarcely heard a word of English since I came

here; the Princess will not use it to me nor permit its use by me. And

therefore, my ear being a musical one and rather accurate, I find--now

that I look back upon my abysmal ignorance--a very decided progress.

Also let me admit to you--and I have already done so, I see--that,

since I have been here, I have had daily lessons in English with a

cultivated English woman; and in consequence I have been learning to

enlarge a very meagre vocabulary, and have begun to appreciate

possibilities in my own language of which I never dreamed.

About my personal appearance--as long as you ask me--I think perhaps

that, were I less thin, I might be rather pretty. Dress makes such a

vast difference in a plain girl. Also, intelligent care of one's

person improves mediocrity. Of course everybody says such gracious

things to a girl over here that it would not do to accept any pretty

compliment very literally. But I really believe that you might think

me rather nice to look at.

As for the future, the truth is that I feel much encouraged. I made

some drawings in wash and in pen and ink--just ideas of mine. And

Monsieur Bonvard, who is editor of The Grey Cat--a very clever

weekly--has accepted them and has paid me twenty-five francs each for

them! I was so astonished that I could not believe it. One has been

reproduced in last week's paper. I have cut it out and pasted it in my


I think, take it all in all, that seeing my first illustrations

printed has given me greater joy than I shall ever again experience on


My daily intercourse with the Princess Mistchenka continues to comfort

me, inspire me, and fill me with determination so to educate myself

that when the time comes I shall be ready and able to support myself

with pen and pencil.

And now I must bring my letter to its end. The prospect of seeing you

very soon is agreeable beyond words. You have been very kind to me. I

do not forget it.

Yours very sincerely,

Ruhannah Carew.

* * * * *

The enclosure was a note from the Princess Mistchenka:

* * * * *

Dear Jim: If in the past it has been my good fortune to add anything to yours,

may I now invoke in you the memory of our very frank and delightful


When you first returned to America from Paris I found it possible to

do for you a few favours in the way of making you known to certain

editors. It was, I assure you, merely because I liked you and believed

in your work, not because I ever expected to ask from you any favour

in return. Copyright 2016 - 2025