Reid winked at Milo.

She giggled while Colt shot daggers in our direction.

“Now”—Max stood—“if everyone will please bring their attention to the schedule, I think you’ll be pleased with what I’ve written in.”

“‘Free time,’” I read aloud. “Really?”

“Go wild.” Max laughed. “Though not too wild, maybe like half-wild, not full spring break.” He reached for Becca’s hand, then kissed it. “What say you? Mandalay Bay?”

“YES!” Becca shot to her feet. “It will be like reliving the island together!”

“Yay.” Max pumped his fist lamely. “Fish.”

“You’ll be fine.” Becca grabbed his hand, then waved good-bye to everyone.

“Well,” Jason said with a nod to Colt and Milo, “you guys still wanna see that show?”

“Yup.” They left quickly.

And I was alone.

With Reid and his hypnotic eyes.

I toyed with my straw.

Reid watched me, amusement evident on his face as his mouth curved up into a smirk. “Nervous?”


“Good.” He pointed to my straw. “Also, can I just say how relieved I am that you got all that biting aggression out on your straw before we made it to the bedroom?”

I glanced at my straw, which looked like it had been through a war zone as teeth marks marred every inch of it.

“That could have been you.” I pointed.

Reid shuddered. “Gentle, let’s practice being gentle.”

“Sex should be savored,” I whispered.

“Ah, so she does remember.”

“I remember that part.” I sighed. “I’m glad I did.”

Reid stood, then offered his hand. “Let’s go.”


The walk back to our hotel was too fast.

By the time we reached the elevator I was fidgeting with my hair, twirling it around my finger, and I’d developed an inability to carry on a logical, normal conversation. I was just about to ask Reid if he thought the weather was nice, desperate for any sort of conversation starter, when he gripped me by the hips and pushed me up against the wall.

“Stop.” His lips teased mine in a beckoning kiss. “You’re overthinking this, like you overthink everything.”

“Maybe.” My lower lip quivered. “I’m a girl; it’s what we do.”

“I’m a man; want to see what I do?” He chuckled darkly, and then his mouth descended in all its spicy wildness, taking me from a simple elevator ride straight into the most epic kiss I’d ever received.

His body slowly pressed me backward until my butt connected with the wall. His tongue moved slowly in and out of my mouth, drawing out the kiss, making me lean forward, eager for more, anticipating the tingling sensation that would occur when his mouth connected with mine again. Reid’s hands pressed on either side of my head; his hips glided against mine as the elevator hiccupped, causing enough slight friction that I moaned aloud.

One hand moved from the wall and trailed down my hips until he reached around and squeezed my butt, then dug his hand into my thigh as the elevator hiccupped one more time. Reid’s hands had me more hot and bothered than was probably socially acceptable in public, but I couldn’t help it.

He was a master kisser.

Placing kiss after hot, searing kiss against my lips until they buzzed with his taste.

The elevator doors opened to our penthouse suite.

Reid stepped back. “Still nervous?”

“Yes.” I blinked. “No.” Reid’s eyes zeroed in on my face, slowly lowering until his gaze stopped at my lips.

“Don’t be. You’re perfect.”

Nobody had ever called me perfect before.

He made me feel like it was true.

Like I wasn’t invisible.

I shivered uncontrollably as all of my past insecurities surfaced and then, with one sultry look from Reid Emory, dissipated.

Shoulders straightened, I lifted my head and whispered, “I like it when you look at me like that.”

“I can’t help it.” His aqua eyes flashed with hunger. “It’s your fault I look at you this way, all your fault.”

“Guess you’ll have to punish me.” I stepped past him, giggling, as he swiped my hand, then slammed his mouth against mine. This time there were no slow languid movements of his tongue or his lips—no, this was possession, domination, and although I’d always booed the submissive type of girl, I was ready to get on my hands and knees and beg him to kiss me like that again and again until my lips were bruised.

My legs flexed, then clenched together as he deepened the kiss, then with one hand swiped the key card over the door handle.

We stumbled into the room.

The card fell to the floor.

Along with Reid’s shirt.

And somehow mine.

I looked down. “How’d you manage that?”

“Magic hands.” His smooth voice was just as enticing as his mouth. I laughed as he crooked his finger at me, then kissed me again, this time lifting me into the air and twirling me around a few times before setting me back on my feet.

“What was that for?”

“Overcome with excitement.” Reid nodded breathlessly. “Felt the need to do a little dance with you in my arms. Why? Didn’t you like it?”

I giggled. “I loved it.”

“I love—” His fingers dug into my sides as he looped his hands into my skinny jeans and slowly slid them down my body, his mouth following down the valley of my breasts to my belly button and stopping there. “This, this spot right here.” Copyright 2016 - 2024