“Drop the damn dog,” I hissed against her mouth.

Otis fell to the ground with a thump and started barking wildly while I picked up Jordan by her hips and held her against my body.

Barking continued.

The kissing didn’t stop. Who knew she had such talent? Her mouth was like a weapon. I was ready to suffer all the day long if that meant I’d get to taste her.

Jordan’s cell went off.

I pleaded with the universe, Just let her cell die!

“My, my,” a voice said from behind me. A very evil voice. “What do we have here?”

I jerked away and glared at Max, who leaned against the elevator doors. “You guys taking your work home?”

“Max.” I gritted my teeth. “Not that it’s any of your business.”

He tilted his head. “Oh, it’s always my business.”

Otis barked and started terrorizing Max’s feet.

“Aw, hey, little guy.”

“Otis,” I clarified.

“You guys already bought a dog?”

“No,” we yelled in unison.

“It’s Jordan’s.”

“And you, the lovely lady, and her dog are at your apartment because?”

I scratched my neck, as honest-to-God hives started popping up around the collar of my shirt. “We hit a . . . snag.”

Max eyed Jordan up and down. “I’ll say. Also, question: Is she aware that by this time tomorrow her hair’s going to be in the 90210?”

Jordan growled. “Max, what did you need?”

His grin grew. “I live here. In this building. I was just coming up to see if I could talk my brother into reasoning with me about this whole wedding situation. But now? I don’t think that’s going to be a problem. Not with you two buying a dog and cohabitating. You’ll either have sex or kill each other before the end of the week. My bet’s on both.”

“My electricity went out!” Jordan said defensively.

“You have to pay the bill, small fry.” Max shook his head at me and pointed a thumb at Jordan. “She always this dense?”

Jordan lunged.

I grabbed her by the arm just as Max stepped out of the way, laughing and holding his hands up in surrender. “We still on for dinner tonight?”

“Shit!” I released Jordan. “I forgot!”

“Bring her.” Max nodded to a very fluffy, aggravated-looking Jordan. “It seems we’ve finally found another friend we can bring around Milo.”

“Milo?” she repeated.

Max gave a thoughtful nod. “Yes, yes, I think you’ll do quite well together.”

“Me and Milo?”

“No, you and Reid.” He clapped his hands. “Keep up.”


I put a hand over Jordan’s mouth. “Shh, don’t question him.”

“Until this evening.” Max tipped his nonexistent hat and walked down the lobby to another door.

“Tell me.” Jordan closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Tell me he doesn’t live in the penthouse next door.”

“Two penthouses in this building.” I shoved the key into the lock. “We own both.”


“Because we own the building,” I finished, pushing the door open. “Oh, and don’t think I’ve forgotten, we need ground rules.”

Jordan tried to push past me. I stopped her halfway through the door. “Unless you want a repeat of that kiss—the rules need to be established.”

“Fine,” she snapped. “Then can I please take a shower?”

“You’re being kind of demanding, all things considered, don’t you think?”

“No.” She crossed her arms. “What I think is that this is all your fault to begin with!”

“How do you figure!” I yelled, tossing my keys onto the granite countertop, where they slid across the smooth surface and fell on the floor. Otis barreled over and started sniffing them.

“It was a normal day for me!” Jordan’s voice rose. “I was reporting to my job, not hurting anyone—”

“—except the eyes of the poor people who had to stare at you while you whistled your way to work!”

She let out a horrified gasp, and her hair actually seemed to grow with her anger. Seriously, she needed to get ahold of that hair before it took over the world. Max would be pissed if someone ruined his plans.

“You”—her nostrils flared. It would be cute if it weren’t so terrifying—“are the reason I’ve had the day from hell! Because of you and your evil brother—”

“Thank you!” A muffled voice came from the far wall.

“How thin are these walls?” Jordan screeched.

“Enunciate!” Max yelled back. “And for the love of God, project!”

I shook my head and walked over to the fridge, pulling out two beers, both for me, and briefly contemplated hitting myself over the head with the second bottle once I finished the first.

“Fine.” I held up my hands. “You win, it’s my fault, but now that I’m sharing my multi-million-dollar paradise with you—we’re even.”

Jordan marched over to the counter and grabbed the other beer, hitting the tab off the top via the side of the granite.

She made it look cool.

Not that I would ever say it out loud, lest she never move out and make my life a living hell.

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