"And I shall try to bring back Harry Beauchamp," added the Colonel. "He

would be able to identify the fellow."

"I do not know what would be gained by that."

"I should know whom to watch."

Ermine had seen so much of Rose's nervous timidity, and had known so

many phantoms raised by it, that she attached little importance to the

recognition, and when she went over the matter with her little niece, it

was with far more thought of the effect of the terror, and of the long

suppressed secret, upon the child's moral and physical nature, than with

any curiosity as to the subject of her last alarm. She was surprised to

observe that Alison was evidently in a state of much more restlessness

and suspense than she was conscious of in herself, during Colin's

absence, and attributed this to her sister's fear of Maddox's making

some inroad upon her in her long solitary hours, in which case she tried

to reassure her by promises to send at once for Mr. Mitchell or for


Alison let these assurances be given to her, and felt hypocritical for

receiving them in silence. Her grave set features had tutored themselves

to conceal for ever one page in the life that Ermine thought was

entirely revealed to her. Never had Ermine known that brotherly

companionship had once suddenly assumed the unwelcome aspect of an

affection against which Alison's heart had been steeled by devotion

to the sister whose life she had blighted. Her resolution had been

unswerving, but its full cost had been unknown to her, till her

adherence to it had slackened the old tie of hereditary friendship

towards others of her family; and even when marriage should have

obliterated the past, she still traced resentment in the hard judgment

of her brother's conduct, and even in the one act of consideration that

it galled her to accept.

There had been no meeting since the one decisive interview just before

she had left her original home, and there were many more bitter feelings

than could be easily assuaged in looking forward to a renewal of

intercourse, when all too late, she knew that she should soon be no

longer needed by her sister. She tried to feel it all just retribution,

she tried to rejoice in Ermine's coming happiness; she tried to believe

that the sight of Harry Beauchamp, as a married man, would be the best

cure for her; she blamed and struggled with herself: and after all, her

distress was wasted, Harry Beauchamp had not chosen to come home with

his cousin, who took his unwillingness to miss a hunting-day rather

angrily and scornfully. Alison put her private interpretation on the

refusal, and held aloof, while Colin owned to Ermine his vexation and

surprise at the displeasure that Harry Beauchamp maintained against his

old schoolfellow, and his absolute refusal to listen to any arguments as

to his innocence.

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