"Your acting is too like life," he said, not yet induced to laugh, and

she rattled on with her droll, sham sentimental air. "Is it the long

words, Alick, or is it 'the great eyes, my dear;' or is it--oh, yes, I

know what is the great attraction--that the Homestead doesn't possess a

single spot where one could play at croquet!"

"Quite irresistible!" replied Alick, and Bessie retreated from the

colloquy still not laughing at but with him; that is, if the odd,

quaint, inward mirth which only visibly lengthened his sleepy eyes,

could be called a laugh.

Next time Captain Keith rode to Avonmouth he met the riding party on the

road, Bessie upon Rachel's mare, and it appeared that Lady Temple had

considered it so dreadful that Meg should not share her hospitality,

that it had been quite impossible to send her away. "So, Alick, your

feelings must endure the dreadful spectacle."

Meanwhile Rachel was hard at work with the subscribers to the "Christian

Knowledge Society." Beginning with the A's, and working down a page a

day, she sent every member a statement of the wrongs of the lacemakers,

and the plans of the industrial establishment, at a vast expense of

stamps; but then, as she calculated, one pound thus gained paid for two

hundred and forty fruitless letters.

"And pray," said Alick, who had ridden on to call at the Homestead, "how

do you reconcile yourself to the temptation to the postmen?"

"They don't see what my letters are about?"

"They must be dull postmen if they don't remark on the shower of

envelopes that pass through their hands--ominous money-letters, all with

the same address, and no detection remember. You don't know who will

answer and who will not."

"I never thought of that," said Rachel; "but risks must be run when any

great purpose is in hand."

"The corruption of one postman versus the rescue of--how many children

make a postman?" asked Captain Keith, with his grave, considering look.

"The postman would be corrupt already," said Grace, as Rachel thought

the last speech too mocking to be worthy of reply, and went on picking

up her letters.

"There is another objection," added Captain Keith, as he watched her

busy fingers. "Have you considered how you are frightening people out of

the society? It is enough to make one only subscribe as Michael Miserly

or as Simon Skinflint, or something equally uninviting to applications."

"I shall ask you to subscribe by both names!" said Rachel, readily. "How

much for Simon Skinflint?"

"Ten pounds. Stop--when Mr. Mauleverer gives him a reference."

"That's ungenerous. Will Michael Miserly make up for it?"

"Yes, when the first year's accounts have been audited."

"Ah! those who have no faith to make a venture can never effect any


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