Billy could hear a faint murmur of words, now and then one gutteral

burst out and became distinct, and gradually enough words pieced

themselves together to become intelligible.

"... Rich guy! High power machine ... Great catch ... Tonight!... Got a

bet on to get there by sunrise.... Can't miss him!"

Billy lay there puzzled. It sounded shady, but what was the line

anyway? Then the man spoke.

"Sounds easy Sammy, but how we goin' to kidnap a man in a high power

machine? Wreck it of course, but he might get killed and where would be

the reward? Besides, he's likely to be a good shot--"

The voice from the ground again growing clearer: "Put something across the road that he'll have to get out and move,

like a fallen tree, or one of you lie in the road beside a car as if

you was hurt. I'm sending Shorty and Link. They'll get there about

eight o'clock. Beat him to it by an hour anyway, maybe more. Now it's

up to you to look after details. Get anyone you want to help till

Shorty and Link get there, and pay 'em so in case anything gets them,

or they're late. I'll keep you wise from time to time how the guy gets

on. I've got my men on the watch along the line."

"I'd like t' know who I'd get in this God forsaken place!" growled the

heavy one, "Not a soul in miles except the agent, and he'd run

right out and telegraph for the State constab. Say, Sammy, who is this

guy anyway? Is there enough in it to pay for the risk? You know

kidnapping ain't any juvenile demeanor. I didn't promise no such stuff

as this when I said I'd take a hand over here. Now just a common little

hold-up ain't so bad. That could happen on any lonely mountain road.

But this here kidnapping, you never can tell how its going to turn out.

Might be murder before you got through, especially if Link is along.

You know Link!"

"That's all right, Pat, you needn't worry, this'll go through slick as

a whistle, and a million in it if we work it right. The house is all

ready--you know where--and never a soul in all the world would suspect.

It's far enough away and yet not too far--. You'll make enough out of

this to retire for life if you want to Pat, and no mistake. All you've

got to do is to handle it right, and you know your business."

"Who'd you say he was?" Copyright 2016 - 2025